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Published July 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Slidell, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

THE CITY OF SLIDELL, LOUISIANA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP# 23-P001 Design and Installation of Comprehensive Security Camera System at the Slidell Airport The City of Slidell, Louisiana is requesting proposals from all interested parties for a comprehensive security camera system with all necessary technical infrastructure to be installed throughout the Slidell Airport. Cameras will be need to be installed to monitor the Main Gate, the Terminal Building, the Parking Lot, the Taxiway, the Runway, the Fuel Farm, all Internal Gates, and all Ramps. New cameras may need to be installed as the airport grows in the coming years. Proposals should include design, installation, training, and any upgrades during the contract period. The overall goal of this RFP is to procure a long-term contract for a comprehensive and reliable security system that will ensure the safety and security of persons and equipment at the airport. Only proposals from vendors securing proposal documents from the Slidell Airport will be acknowledged. An executed affidavit and attestation form must be submitted prior to award. The signature on the proposal must be that of an authorized representative of the corporation, partnership or other legal entity and the bid must be accompanied by a Corporate Resolution or other authentic document indicating the names of all parties authorized to submit bids for public contracts. Criteria for grading proposals are: 1.Completion of all required responses in the correct format- 5% 2.Ability to provide requested specifications-20% 3.Customer Support (staff training, ongoing support, etc.)-20% 4.Simple, straightforward navigation-20% 5.Overall cost of Vendors proposal-20% 6.Previous Experience15% This project is funded with federal grant funds. All applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and special provisions of all authorities having jurisdiction over this project shall apply. The City encourages participation by Women, Minority, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. The City of Slidell is an equal opportunity employer. The selected Vendor will be responsible for the design, installation, and testing of all software, hardware, and network components required to support the implementation of the security system package (System). The Vendor will coordinate with the City of Slidell IT Supervisor and Technician and Airport Manager for procurement and installation activities. Vendor will also be assisting through the completion of the installation and the first several months after going live. The Vendor is to provide customer support thereafter.


Transportation Terminals


Public - City


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62512 Airport Rd, Slidell, LA

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