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Site work and new construction of a multi-residential development in McAlester, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the construction of a multi-residential development; and for site work for a multi-residential development.

Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Project for three (3) Duplexes and One (1) Affordable Rental (AR) Home located in McAlester, Oklahoma. This project is Federally Grant Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) from the Office of Public and Indian Housing (ONAP) as part of an Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). B. Solicitation: The Choctaw Nation Construction Administration (CNCA) is soliciting proposals from General Contracting Construction Companies to perform the infrastructure and site improvement construction activities of three (3) Duplexes and one (1) Affordable Rental (AR) Home (proper). CNCA will con-tract with General Contractors direct to complete this project. All firms whom qualify as Indian-Owned must provide proper Indi-an-Owned Documentation and proof of Ownership to CNCA. C. Description of the Construction: The General Contractor (GC) will be responsible to per-form all scopes to complete the three (3) Duplexes and one (1) Affordable Rental (AR) Home to include, but not limited to: clear & grub of existing conditions, scarify and recompact existing soils in order to prepare a building pad from native soils (final building pad requirements will be provided by a licensed Geotechnical Engineer from a Geo Tech Report to be issued either during the proposal creation period, or shortly thereafter). If the Geo Tech Report is issued after the proposals are received, and the building pad requirements differ from what is included with-in this RFP, then an applicable Change Order will be provided to the Awarded General Contractor based upon the unit prices provided. Temporary erosion control, concrete paving, supply and install all materials necessary for connection into the City of McAlester sanitary sewer system, supply and install all materials necessary for installation of sanitary sewer for all duplexes and AR home, supply and install all materials necessary for connection into the City of McAlester water line, supply and install all materials necessary for water line installation to all duplexes and home, supply and install water meter for all new duplexes and AR home, top-soiling, sod, hydro-mulch seeding (as needed), permanent erosion control, concrete foundations, post-tensioned slabs-on-grade, traditional wood framed duplexes and AR home with standing-seam metal roofs, spray foam insulation, interior finishes, exterior finishes, electrical, HVAC, appliances, etc. The awarded General Contractor for this development will be re-sponsible for both filing the requisite application(s) for the building permit(s) and paying the related permit fees prior to the commencement of any site improvements that are required by the City of McAlester. Permit fees have a turnaround time of approximately two (2) weeks and are priced as follows: a. Building Permit: $ .17 per sq. ft. of each unit. * b. Electrical Permit: $ .06 per sq. ft. of each unit. * c. Mechanical Permit: $ .04 per sq. ft. of each unit. * d. Plumbing Permit: $ .06 per sq. ft. of each unit. * e. Sewer Tap: $300.00 per each tap. -or- $100.00 per each connection to existing tap. f. Curb cut fee(s): May or may not apply if there are existing functional cuts already in place. g. Plan review $ .02 per sq. ft. of each unit. * * Each of these items includes the required City inspections at the traditional sequence points of construction. A general overview includes Footings, Under Slab, Slab, Framing, Electrical rough in and final, Plumbing rough in and final, Mechanical rough in and final, overall final with Certificate of Occupancy. The General Con-tractor must make request for these inspections through this office. Just a reminder, the Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing sub-contractors must be li-censed both by State and the City of McAlester. Further, McAlester is currently operating under the 2018 edition of the ICCs' and the 2017 edition of the NEC. 1.6 LOCATION A. Project Location: Site 1 - East Jefferson Avenue, Site 2 - North 9th Street, Site 3 - Hidden Val-ley Drive, Site 4 - East Madison Avenue in McAlester, Oklahoma. Rejection of Proposals: The Owner shall have the right to reject any or all proposals. A proposal not accompanied by a re-quired bid security or by other data required by the Bidding Documents, or a proposal which is in any way incomplete or irregular is subject to rejection. 3. Acceptance of Proposals (Award): It is the intent of the Owner to award a contract to the lowest qualified proposer, provided the proposal has been submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Bidding Documents and does not exceed the funds available. The Owner shall have the right to waive informalities and irregularities in a proposal received and to accept the proposal which, in the Owner's judgment, is in the Owner's own best interests. 3.1 The Owner reserves the right to hold a private Proposal Re-view Committee Meeting to re-view all proposals and award a Contract to the most responsive and responsible proposer based on an approved evaluation criteria format. The lowest proposer does not necessarily mean that the contract will be awarded to that proposer. The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma reserves the right to award a contract to the proposer that presents the Best Value to the Owner based on the Proposal Review Committee Evaluation. B. All proposals shall be accompanied by a security deposit. Reference specification section 00 2113 for additional information. C. Refer to other bidding requirements described in Document 002113 - Instructions to Bidders and modifications thereto. D. Submit your offer on the Proposal Form provided in the Re-quest for Proposals packet. E. Your Proposal is required to be submitted under a condition of irrevocability for a period of forty-five (45) calendar days after submission. F. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities/irregularities and accept or reject any or all bids. 1.9 FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES - Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). A. Notification is given to all parties involved in this Project, that a portion of matching funds (or all funds) for this Project will be provided by the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). B. All written and/or implied Federal Regulations and Guidelines and/or any other related documents shall hereby be made a part of the Contract Documents by reference with the same force and effect as though they were bound herein. Regulatory requirements found in 2 CFR part 200 are applicable to this project. (Specifically parts 200.318 General procurement standards, 200.320 Methods of procurement, 200.324 Contract cost and price, 200.326 Bonding Requirements, 12 U.S. Code 1701u (section 3) Economic opportunities for low- and very low - in-come persons, 24 CFR 1000.30 Prohibitions regarding conflict; conflicts prohibited; and the conflict of interest, 1000.52(d) and 1000.52 Indian preference requirements applicable to IHBG procurement, 1000.54 Procedures to follow for complaints that arise out of methods provided by Indian preference, Part 24 Debarment and Suspension, Part 135 establish the standards and procedures to be followed to ensure that the objectives of section 3 are met,25 U.S. Code 450e(b) Preference requirements for wages and grants, and Appendix II to part 200 Contract provisions for non-federal entity contracts under federal awards. C. Reference copies are on file and may be examined by any interested party at the Choctaw Nation Construction Administration office. D. Refer to Document 002220 - Grant Requirements for addition-al information. E. Refer to Document 005480 - Procurement Documents for additional information. 1.10 INDIAN PREFERENCE A. General Contractor: Indian preference is preferred (but not required) in order to perform this project. Indian-Owned Firms or Enterprises must provide written documentation indicating that their company is a majority-owned Native American company. 1.11 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESSES AND LOWER-INCOME PERSONS A. The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma encourages participation by small and minority businesses, women's business enterprises and labor surplus area firms and lower-income persons in accordance with 2 CFR 200.321. Electronic copies of bidding documents will be provided to all contractors at no charge by the Owner's Representative. For information concerning any part of the proposed Work, contact the Owner's Representative as specified in Document 002113 - Instructions to Bidders and modifications thereto. B. Additional proposing instructions are included in the Bidding Requirements which are bound into the Contract Documents. C. Under no circumstances shall the Engineer or Record, Architect or Consultants be contacted by any Contractor or Supplier. All proposal questions must be in writing and forwarded to the Owner's Representative. 1.14 AUTHORIZATION A. By: The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (Published in the McAlester News-Capital June 22nd, 2022.) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: OXLEY EN-ERGY, LLC RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOC-ATION EXCEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEC-TION 19, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 16 EAST, PITTSBURG COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD2022-002320 NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS, INCLUDING but not limited to all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, immediate and remote of any such party, and all corporations existing and if dis-solved, known and unknown successors, and all persons having an interest in the captioned land. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant in this cause is re-questing that the Commission enter an order amending Order No. 114315, dated July 28, 1975, as amended by Order No. 116454, dated November 10, 1975, for the Middle Atoka com-mon source of supply, to permit a well for such common source of supply at the following location: No closer than 660 feet from the South line and no closer than 660 feet from the West line of Section 19, Township 4 North, Range 16 East, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. Same to be a well for the unit consisting of said Section 19, a 640-acre spacing unit by said or-der which requires that the well be located not closer than 1,320 feet to the unit boundary. The legal descriptions of the land sections adjacent to the area within which the location exception lies are Sections 13, 24, and 25, Township 4 North, Range 15 East, and Sections 17, 18, 20, 29, and 30, Township 4 North, Range 16 East, all in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. Applicant further requests that Applicant or some other party be authorized the right to drill said well. Applicant further requests that it be permitted to produce said well at said location from all common sources of supply covered hereby with no down-ward allowable adjustment. 5. SPECIAL RELIEF: Applicant further requests that the order to be entered in this cause may be made effective prior to the date of issuance of the order. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard be-fore an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Com-mission, Jim Thorpe Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK 73105, at 8:30 a.m., on July 11, 2022, and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that due to the COVID-19 pan-demic, access to the Jim Thorpe Building is restricted. The referenced hearing may be conducted via teleconference or video-conference. Before coming to the building for this hearing, please visit the Oklahoma Corporation Commission website at to determine the status of building access. Instructions for participating via teleconference or videoconference are available on the Com-mission's website. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons re-questing its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact Applicant or Applicant's attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their names and telephone numbers. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action con-tact Ryan Robinson, P.O. Box 33129, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74153, Telephone: 918/493-7064 and/or Gregory L. Mahaffey and/or Caleb A. Hartwell, Attorneys, 300 N.E. 1st Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73104-4004, Telephone: 405/236-0478. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA DANA L. MURPHY, Chairman BOB ANTHONY, Vice-Chairman J. TODD HIETT, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED ON THIS 20th DAY OF JUNE, 2022.




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