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Published August 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a fire / police facility in Derry, New Hampshire. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a fire / police facility; for the demolition of a fire / police facility; and for site work for a fire / police facility.

Awarded to Mitchell Associates/Wendel The Town of Derry, New Hampshire (Town) is seeking to replace its existing Fire Headquarters that has surpassed its life expectancy and no longer presents a safe and efficient workplace for the firefighters and is situated in an area of the Town that does not allow for the greatest efficiency in response coverage. The Town is seeking an architectural firm for the professional design, construction inspection, and contract administration services of a new headquarters station to replace the existing headquarters located at 131 East Broadway, Derry, NH 03038. o The new station will be located on 28 Pierce Avenue (tax lot 5-043), having access from Rockingham Road in Derry NH 03038. (Location not finalized at this point.) o Based on a recent feasibility study, it will be a two-story structure of approximately 38,000 sf. o The new station will include five drive-thru bays for fire apparatus and ambulances in the main apparatus bay area, ten automobile spaces in an accessory bay area, and five vehicle bays in a remote structure. o The station will also include several administrative offices, communications center, restrooms, bunk rooms, exercise area, day room, meeting/training room, storage rooms, and other fire service-related spaces needed to complete the station. o It will comply with all ADA requirements and NFPA 1500 Standards (Chapter 9, Facilities Safety). The Derry Town Council recently approved a $19.4M budget for this project to include site acquisition and development, architectural/engineering services, project construction, construction inspection and soft costs. The Derry Fire Department is a full-service fire department that provides emergency services and protection from fire, natural and manmade disasters, and medical emergencies. It provides these services through three integrated and related areas within the Department - Fire, EMS, and Emergency Communications. The Derry Fire Department provides these services operating from four stations and the Derry Municipal Center where Administration and Fire Prevention Personnel are currently located. Derry Fire also provides EMS to two adjoining communities and emergency dispatch services to three other communities. Central Fire Station (Rotary Circle) - two firefighter paramedics, three firefighter EMTs, one company officer and one shift commander. In addition to emergency responders, there is also at least one sometimes two emergency communications specialists on duty in the dispatch center. Questions regarding this request should be directed to James Richardson - Fire Chief, via email at jimrichardson@derrynh.org. The Town of Derry reserves the right to waive any irregularities, reject any or all submissions, and to accept the submission that appears to be in the best interest of the Town. Failure to submit all information called for may be sufficient for disqualification. The Town of Derry reserves the right to reject all submissions for any reason. The Town also reserves the right to negotiate details of the submissions for best value prior to contract signature. The Town will select the best value within the available budget. If all submissions submitted in response to this RFQ are unacceptable, the Town reserves the right to reject the submissions and to re-advertise the project. The Town reserves the right to cancel this RFQ at any time prior to a fully executed contract, and, if desired, to reissue the RFQ. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Fire / Police


Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work

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August 15, 2023


To Be Determined, Derry, NH

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