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Saving Project...

Published August 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Orono, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

**As of August 05, 2022, project was awarded to B & B Paving, awarded amount is $559,447.50.** The Town of Orono is seeking proposals for a qualified contractor to provide Hot Mixed Asphalt Paving services. Services will include providing adequate materials, labor, and equipment to perform hot mixed asphalt paving in various locations throughout the Town of Orono as directed by the Director of Public Works. The scope of work will include pavement milling, reclaim, fine grading, and pavement surface shim and overlays with tack coat. Pricing will include an asphalt price adjustment. No fax or email proposals will be accepted. The Town of Orono reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and waive any irregularities. Proof of Workers Compensation and General Liability insurance are required. 1. Bennoch Road - Approximately 500 feet from Main St to the Old Town Town Line; approximately 8,900 feet. Provide 2" full width mill from project start to Noyes Dr and Godfrey Drive to Town Line, totaling approximately 4,150 feet. Provide full width 1/2 " 9.5mm HMA shim and 1 1/2 " 12.5 mm HMA overlay of the entire project; approximately 8,900 feet. *** Unlike the rest of the projects, this project includes hand placed HMA and butt joints necessary for sidewalk and driveway patches to match new pavement to existing pavement. This will be paid separately by the unit price provided on the bid form. 2. Westwood Drive - Main St to Dead End; approximately 2,100 feet. Provide 1/2 " 9.5mm HMA full shim and 1 1/2 " 12.5 mm HMA overlay with tack in two mobilizations to allow for utility structure adjustments and drainage improvements. 3. Beech Street - Pine St to Mill Street; approximately 775 feet . Reclaim and grade existing pavement, provide 2" 19.0 mm HMA Binder course and 1 1/2 " 12.5mm HMA overlay with tack in two mobilizations to allow for curb and utility structure adjustments. The town will be working on drainage improvements on this project, excavation areas will be backfilled with millings and curbs will be removed before the first mobilization for reclaim, grade, and binder course. 4. Riverdale Drive - College Ave to Dead End; approximately 285 feet. Provide 3/4 " 9.5 mm HMA shim and 1 1/2 " 12.5mm HMA overlay with tack 5. Maxfield Drive & Crestview Drive - Forest Avenue to the Cul-de-Sac at the end of each road; approximately 2,750 feet. Provide 3/4 " 9.5 mm HMA shim and 1 1/2 " 12.5mm HMA overlay with tack in two mobilizations to allow for curb and sidewalk improvements. 6. Ledge Hill Road - College Ave to Dead End; approximately 775 feet. Reclaim and grade existing pavement, provide 2 1/2 " 19.0 mm HMA Binder course and 1 1/2 " 12.5mm HMA overlay with tack in two mobilizations to allow for drainage improvements. *The list of planholders and/or interested bidders is not being tracked by the stakeholders involved with this project. If you are an interested contractor and wish to be listed as a bidder, please notify our editorial staff at addtobidlist@constructconnect.com.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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