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Published December 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a detention facility in Salem, Oregon. Completed plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

PERFORMANCE BOND and PAYMENT BOND: The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish electronic copies of the original Performance Bond and a Payment Bond each in the total amount (100%) of the awarded Contract, executed in favor of the State of Oregon, to ensure faithful performance of the Contract and payment for services and goods. Each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit (issued by an insured institution as defined in ORS 706.008, or Original Bid Bond payable to the Department of Corrections ("DOC") in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the Bid. If Bidder wants to submit a certified or cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit in lieu of all or a portion of the required performance bod, the Bidder shall contact the Single Point of Contract for instructions Liquidated damages of $460.00 will apply to the contract resulting from this ITB. Failure to substantially complete the Project by the, date of Substantial Completion, as specified in the Contract, will result in damage to the State of Oregon. Moreover, failure to fully complete the Project by the date of Final Completion, as specified in the Contract, will also result in damage to the State of Oregon Since actual damage will be difficult to determine, it is agreed that the Contractor shall pay to the State of Oregon, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages, $460.00 per calendar day elapsed in excess of the Substantial Completion date stated in Section 3 of this Agreement. Moreover, it is agreed that the Contractor shall pay to the State of Oregon, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages, $460.00 per calendar day elapsed in excess of the Final Completion date stated in Section 3 of this Agreement PURCHASER/SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT See "Purchaser" and "Info Contact" for this ITB in OregonBuys. This is the single point of contact for this ITB. Any questions or issues that may arise regarding the Specifications, the bidding process, and/or the award process shall be directed to the Purchaser/Single Point of Contact. Name Ryan N. Kirtley Phone: (971) 707-0238 E-mail: Ryan.N.Kirtley@doc.oregon.gov PROJECT COMPLETION DATES: Project Start Date: Ten (10) Calendar Days from NOTICE TO PROCEED Substantial Completion: One Hundred Eighty (180) Calendar Days from NOTICE TO PROCEED Final Completion: Two Hundred Ten (210) Calendar Days from NOTICE TO PROCEED PROJECT ESTIMATE: The following range is a project estimate for bonding purposes: $500,000-$800,000 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Jails / Prisons


Public - State/Provincial


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3601 State St, Salem, OR

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