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Published August 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and asbestos abatement for a municipal facility in Eatonton, Georgia. Completed plans call for the demolition of a municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; and for asbestos abatement for a municipal facility.

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), is soliciting bids from qualified firm(s) to provide Abatement and Demolition of Improvements, Structures, or other Encumbrances in the Right Of Way and/or Easement Areas. This solicitation seeks to identify potential firms to provide Abatement and Demolition of Improvements, Structures, or other Encumbrances in the Right Of Way and/or Easement Areas for the Scope of Services for the project /contract identified in Exhibit I. All respondents to this solicitation are subject to instructions communicated in this document, and are cautioned to completely review the entire solicitation and follow instructions carefully. GDOT reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities at the discretion of GDOT. Prior to contract award only the low bidding firm will be required to provide a Performance Bond to the Department in the amount of 100 percent (%) of the total bid price. A bid security bond in the amount of five (5) percent of the total bid price is required to be submitted with the bid response package. The Department acknowledges that said bid security has been submitted in the form of bid bond, or certified check made payable to "the Georgia Department of Transportation". The undersigned agrees that the bid security is the proper measure of liquidated damages which the Department will sustain by the failure of the Undersigned to execute this agreement as required if this proposal is accepted by the Department. The Department shall return the amount of the bid security bond cashier check, bid bond or certified check to the awarded Contractor once the project has been successfully completed, accepted and paid by the Department. The Department shall return the bid security bond cashier check or certified check to the Respondent(s) not receiving an award. The Department will accept written questions via email only. Please submit all questions to Trina E. Williams at TrWilliams@dot.ga.gov. Written questions will be accepted until July 1, 2022 by 2:00 PM Bidders are responsible for checking this solicitation for any/all updates. Lowest, Responsive and Responsible: Any award resulting from this solicitation will be made to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidding firm meeting all requirements. GDOT reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to waive any technicalities associated with this submittal if deemed in the best interest of the State. A public bid opening will not be held by GDOT. A bid tabulation will be posted to the GPR once bid evaluations have been completed. GDOT reserves the right to cancel any solicitations where it is determined to be in the best interest of the Department to do so. GDOT reserves the right to increase, reduce, add, or delete any item in this solicitation as deemed necessary. It is the responsibility of all firms interested in submitting a bid for this solicitation to routinely check the posting on the Georgia Procurement Registry for any revisions to this solicitation. Project No. 0006253




Public - State/Provincial

Asbestos Abatement, Demolition, Site Work

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July 6, 2022

August 5, 2022


102 Thunder Rd, Eatonton, GA

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