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Published June 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Saint Gabriel, Louisiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

To establish a contract to supply all equipment, tools, supplies and labor necessary to maintain the TB Terminal Filtration and Exhaust Blower System at DOC-Elayn Hunt Correctional Center for period beginning Date of Award through June 30, 2023. Services to include the following: 1. Filter replacement and blower maintenance for each of the our four (4) new isolation rooms, three (3) times per year. 2. Supply and replace HEPA filters: * Primary filter(s): 24" X 24" X 11" * Primary filter(s): 12" X 12" X 24" * Pre filter(s): 24" X 24" X 11" 3. Recalibrate exhaust system. 4. Check duct for leaks & seal any leaks found. 5. Vendor to rebag, box up, and dispose of used filters off site. 6. Replace belt on the exhaust blower three (3) times per year. 7. Adjust the blower operation to provide negative pressure in all isolation rooms served by the system. 8. Replace motors, drivers and parts as necessary to maintain the system in design condition. The state of louisiana reserves the right to award items separately, grouped or on an all-or-none basis and to reject any or all bids and waive any informalities. The state of louisiana has the right to terminate the contract immediately for any of the following reasons:


Jails / Prisons

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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6925 LA-74, Saint Gabriel, LA

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