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Published September 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Ball, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

RAPIDES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD TIOGA HIGH SCHOOL IAQ ENHANCEMENTS RPSB Bid # 100-05 Bids shall be accepted only from contractors who are licensed under LA-R.S.37:2150-2163 for the classification of MECHANICAL. Note, this bid is for a Davis Bacon prevailing wage project. The Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, Forms of Bid Bond, Performance Bond and Payment Bond, Drawings and Specifications, and other Contract Documents may be examined at the following location: ADG ENGINEERING 3909 W CONGRESS STREET, SUITE 201 LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA 70506 Bidding documents may be obtained from CentralAuctionHouse.com (fees may be associated with this site). Printed copies are not available from the Designer, but arrangements can be made to obtain them electronically. Send request to adginc@adginc.org. Pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statutes 38:2212.E.(I) Bidders have the option to submit their bids and bid bonds electronically. To view bids, download and receive plans and specifications, and bid notices by email, Bidders will need to register with Central Bidding. If you need help registering, or need help with completing an e-bid, please call Central Bidding at 225-8100-4814 or Toll Free at 866-570-9620 seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Fees may be associated with the use of this site. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all bids for just cause; such actions will be in accordance with Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes. In accordance with R.S. 38:2212(8)(1), the provisions and requirements stated in the bidding documents shall not be considered as informalities and shall not be waived. Sureties used for obtaining bonds must appear as acceptable on the U.S. Department of the Treasury Circular 570. Bidder shall show the Contractor's license number and name of the project on the Bid envelope as required by Louisiana Revised Statutes 37:2163.A.(l ). In accordance with in R.S. 38:2215. A., no Bidder may withdraw his bid within forty-five (45) days after the actual date of the opening. Any person with disabilities requiring special accommodations must contact the Owner no later than seven (7) days prior to bid opening.




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August 3, 2022

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1207 Tioga Rd, Ball, LA

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