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Published October 3, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Battle Creek, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a six-space sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

2 September 2022 RFI: Dimensions for the cracks that need to be filled and also for the seal coating. Answer: There is no seal coating as part of this scope Cracks greater that 1" will be included in the 10% full depth repair 30 August 2022 Post RFIs Addtional Drawings are located at: https://safe.apps.mil/pickup.phpclaimID=w4qo3ZZTx4NrF9Cp&recipCode=JAePRT Claim ID: w4qo3ZZTx4NrF9Cp Recipient Code: JAePRT Claim Passcode: QsX3uyCBWvtHVRc5 Project Title: Repair Drivelanes Project#: MBMV222331 Location: Battle Creek, Michigan 49037 Period of Performance (POP): 180 Calendar Days 1) Set-aside: Small Business 2) Small Business Size Standard: $16.5M 3) NAICS Code: 238990 - All Other Specialty Trade Contractors. 4) Project Magnitude: Betw een $250,000 and $500,000.00 5) Prospective bidders are highly encouraged to attend a pre-bid conference to be conducted on 16 Aug 2022 at 2:00 PM local time. (See Solicitation for Access Requirements) Aw ard w ill be made to the responsible bidder w hose bid conforms to the invitation for bids and is most advantageous to the Government considering only price and price related factors. A Bid Bond must be submitted w ith the offer or the offer w ill be rejected. Funds are not presently available for this contract. Currently, the Government anticipates funds w ill become available prior to but no later than midnight 30 Sep 2022. This action has been identified on the National Guard priority list for aw ard if funds become available and the prices received are w ithin an aw ardable range. Aw ard w ill be made to the responsive bidder w hose bid conforms to the invitation for bids and is most advantageous to the Government considering only price and price related factors. NOTICE OF PRE-BID CONFERENCE AND SITE VISIT: 2.1 A pre-bid conference will be conducted on 16 August 2022 at 2:00 PM local time for the purposes of briefing on the bid requirements and answering questions regarding this solicitation. This conference will be held at 110 Civil Engineering Squadron, 150 Canberra Street, Bldg 7020, Battle Creek, MI 49037. Interested Contractors are highly encouraged to attend the pre-bid conference. The site visit at the job site will be held following the conference. 2.2 Due to security conditions, all offerors must register to attend this conference and site visit. Email the following information for all attendees to Michael Kitchell at the following addresses: Site Visit - Points of Contact (POC) Taylor Jamieson AND Major Robert Loniewsky Address: jamieson.taylor@us.af.mil / robert.loniewsky.2@us.af.mil Telephone: (269) 969-3347 / (269) 969-3363 Courtesy copy: michael.kitchell.1@us.af.mil Any explanation desired by an offeror regarding the meaning or interpretation of the solicitation, or proposals, drawings, specifications, etc. must be requested in writing and with sufficient time allowed for a reply to reach bidders before the submission of their bid. 3.3 All questions and requests for information (RFI) must be received NOT LATER THAN the fifth working day prior to bid opening. OFFERORS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS EARLY IN THIS PROCESS. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work

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September 9, 2022

October 10, 2022


3367 W Dickman Rd, Battle Creek, MI

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