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Site work and paving for a civil project in Cecilia, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

FED/STATE PROJECT NUMBER 047GR22D051-HSIP Hardin County Hsip 7861 (001) : Us-31w Bypass / Ky 1136 Intersection Construct Mini Roundabout, a Distance Of 0.53 Miles. Asphalt Surface With Grade & Drain. Syp No. 04-09017.00. Hardin County Hsip 7872 (009) : Ky 251 Construct Mini-roundabouts at Various Locations, a Distance of 1.68 Miles. Asphalt Surface With Grade & Drain. Syp No. 04-09016.00. Hardin County Hsip 7873 (001) : Poplar Street (Cs 1068) / Sycamore Street Intersection Construct Miniroundabout, a Distance of 0.08 Miles. Asphalt Surface With Grade & Drain. Syp No. 04-09012.60. Hardin County Hsip 7873 (002) : Poplar Street (Cs 1068) / Mantle Avenue Intersection Construct Miniroundabout, a Distance of 0.08 Miles. Asphalt Surface With Grade & Drain. Syp No. 04-09012.70. Hardin County Hsip 9010 (440) : Dolphin Drive (Cs 1430) / Josale Drive Intersection Construct Mini Roundabout, a Distance of 0.10 Miles. Asphalt Surface With Grade & Drain. Syp No. 04-09012.20. Hardin County Hsip 9010 (441) : Commerce Drive (Cs 1108) / Executive Drive Intersection Construct Miniroundabout, a Distance of 0.18 Miles. Asphalt Surface With Grade & Drain. Syp No. 04-09012.30. Hardin County Hsip 9010 (442) : Woodland Drive (Cs1193) / Layman Lane Intersection Construct Mini Roundabout, a Distance of 0.03 Miles. Asphalt Surface With Grade & Drain. Syp No. 04-09012.50. Minimum Wage Rates for These Forgoing Projects Have Been Predetermined by the Secretary of Labor and Are Set Forth in the Proposals. The Department of Highways Hereby Notifies All Bidders That It Will Affirmatively Insure That in Any Contract Entered Into Pursuant to This Advertisement Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Will Be Afforded Full Opportunity to Submit Bids in Response to This Invitation, and Will Not Be Discriminated Against on the Ground of Race, Color, or National Origin on Consideration for an Award. The Special Provisions of Highway Projects Financed With Federal Highway Funds Applies to Federal Aid Projects. The Department Will Only Accept Bid Registration Forms From Contractors Who Are Prequalified in the Work Categories of the Particular Project. Registration Will Be Closed at 3:00 Pm on the Day Preceding the Letting. KYDOT- Call 203 - Asphalt Surface With Grade and Drain MBE (9.6%), WBE (6.9%), DBE (11%)


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Cecilia, KY

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