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Published July 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Brainerd, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, Community Development office will be accepting sealed lump sum bids for a residential renovation at 1720 S. 6th St., Brainerd, MN. General Notes: It is the Contractors responsibility to identify any and all discrepancies in the scope of work, not meeting Industry Standards or that which is inconsistent with the International Residential Code (IRC), and Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe 2016 MLB Project Specification Book. All electrical wiring, apparatus and equipment for electric light, heat and power, technology circuits or systems shall comply with the rules of the Department of Commerce or the Department of Labor and Industry, as applicable, and be installed in conformity with accepted standards of construction for safety to life and property. Contractor must reconnect all utilities, service panel or service feed. Also includes gas, propane. Include such equipment or materials identified in the pre-bid conference. Contractor will secure all permits and fees. Contractor is responsible for a thorough investigation of the scope of work. Contractor will repair any damage to the property or structure created by the scope of work. Work Scope Description: Exterior: Repair concrete front entry landing and steps. Demo brick planter bed. Remove loose or damaged concrete from existing steps, remove carpet and glue from top. Form and pour steps, using dowels, and bonding agent. After form removal, apply a concrete resurfacer to the entire stair and landing with light broom finish. Install new wrought iron guardrail and handrail. Re-grade area where planter is removed to ensure positive drainage. Install waterproof ground cover and restore / extend landscape planting bed in this area. Demo and replace exterior windows. Seal penetrations and insulate rough openings. Install new interior casing and repair exterior and interior finishes affected by this work. Check and repair chimney roof penetration, tuck-point masonry, clean and apply masonry sealer to the chimney structure, repair flashings to ensure no leaks. Ensure chimney flue top storm collars and rain caps are intact and sealed. Re-build leaking water spigot located under the solar heat collectors. Interior: Repair damaged drywall ceiling around the fireplace chimney on the main level. Scrape loose texture, tape, sand and patch and prime area. See Bid Alt #5. Saw cut and demo concrete basement floor perimeter, excavate perimeter, install interior draintile, rock bed, and drill weep holes at block bottom course. Install MTI Floor Edging drainage board, Hydro Channel Plus, Drain-Eze or approved equal to ensure accumulated water has direct path to draintile system. Install sump basket, pump, and receptacle. Replace concrete where disturbed. Replace all smoke and C.O. detectors to be code compliant. Add additional detection where required by code. Remove section of upper cabinets and range hood from above peninsula counter. Patch and restore underside of soffit. Provide and install new vented island range hood. Modify soffit framing as needed for duct connection and mounting bracket installation. Include $500 material allowance for supply of island range hood. Provide homeowner with available selection options Bid Alternate #1: Replace gas fireplace inserts and ensure function (2). Bid Alternate #2: Demo and Replace gutters and downspouts: replace with aluminum seamless gutters ensuring correct sloping and install leaf guards. Install downspouts and hinged extensions. Ensure extensions are draining away from the house. Bid Alternate #3: Demo and replace rear patio door. (Thermo Tech sliding door) Bid Alternate #4: Demo and replace lower level exterior door. Provide new hardware keyed to match new main entry door. Bid Alternate #5: Scrape remaining ceiling texture in living room, dining room, and kitchen area. Skim coat drywall, sand smooth and apply stain blocking primer coat. Bid Alternate #6: Install lower level bath fixtures and complete plumbing connections. Bid Alternate #7: Remove basement-level glass block window on Northeast wall and excavate exterior window well. Prepare wall to enlarge window opening for installation of egress window. Provided and install egress window, window buck material and install egress window well with ladder. Seal and restore surrounding finishes affected by this window installation. Specified Product Substitutions: All proposed product substitutions must be approved by the Project Coordinator 5 days prior to bid. Any approved substitutions, will be made available to all bidders. Interested bidders shall contact either Ryan Jendro at 320.630.5011 or by email at ryan.jendro@millelacsband.com to be included on the bidder's list in the event that any addendums are issued for this project.


Residential Subdivision


Public - Federal


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July 20, 2022

August 22, 2022


1720 S 6th St, Brainerd, MN

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