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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Madison, Mississippi. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The Madison County Board of Supervisors intends to employ a consulting engineering firm to provide construction engineering and inspection services utilizing a Cost plus Fixed Fee contract for Reunion Parkway Phase 2, which will be a new roadway on new alignment from Bozeman Road to Parkway East and will include a bridge over I-55. These services shall consist of engineering work involved beginning the date of FHWA/MDOT concurrence in award of the Construction Contract through the preparation and submission of a final estimate and supporting documents of the MDOT and shall include the following: interpretation of Contract Documents; review of work and rejection of defective work to insure that work is performed in accordance with the plans and specifications; sampling, testing and certification of construction material in accordance with Federal and MDOT guidelines for compliance with requirements of the approved plans and specifications; maintenance of project records; preparation of project records and reports including project diary, daily material quantities, contract document modification, payment requests, progress schedules, materials submittals; coordination and attendance of project related conferences and meetings; serve as liaison between the contractor and the LPA; and submission of the final estimate and supporting documents to the LPA. The firm shall provide these services following MDOTs Project Development Manual for Local Public Agencies (LPAs) and FHWA guidelines. To be considered, the "Expression of Interest" proposal must respond to all requirements of this Legal Advertisement. The recommended proposal length should not exceed twenty (20) pages, exclusive of appendices. The resumes (which should not exceed 2 pages per individual in length), proof of State Licensure and certificates requirements, and other information not relevant to the requirements should be included in the appendices. The Consultant's cover letter, table of contents, summaries and introductions, team organizational chart, past performances, and any other responses to the evaluation criteria should be included in the 20 pages. Pages should be numbered, single-spaced, one-sided, 8.5" by 11" with margins of at least one inch on all four sides. No more than five pages may be 11" by 17", but they may count as two sheets each against the recommended 20 page maximum. Information within the recommended 20 page limit of the proposal should be complete and sufficient in scope for the selection committee to evaluate the Consultant. Also, all text information in the recommended 20 page limit should be shown in a readable font, size 12 points or larger. Headers, charts, and other graphics may be provided in a different font type and size providing they are legible. Section dividers, tabs, or similar means are recommended but are not counted as part of the recommended 20 page limit. These recommendations will be considered when evaluating the quality of proposal. With the exception of the information to be supplied in the appendices, the "Expression of Interest" proposal should be divided into the following sections as listed below. Consulting engineering firms (CONSULTANT) interested in providing these services may so indicate by furnishing the County five (5) copies and one (1) CD/jump drive of an Expression of Interest that should consist of the following unless specifically stated otherwise: 1. The Prime CONSULTANT should provide a cover letter specifying the name and complete description of the Contract, the name of the Prime CONSULTANT and any of its Subconsultant(s), the name of an individual who will be the single point of contact throughout the selection process, the name of the project manager, the location and address of the managing office, and the location and address of the office(s) that may be assigned the work. Should any Subconsultant(s) be listed as team members, identify the roles of each of the team's members. In addition, the CONSULTANT must note if this is a joint venture; 2. The CONSULTANT should provide a resume for each principal member, the project manager, and employee(s) of the firm anticipated to be assigned to the project. Also, provide a team organizational chart and list each person's experience and qualifications, including proof that the Project Manager is licensed as a Mississippi Professional Engineer and that the firm has met state licensure and certification requirements*. The team organizational chart should include each individual's name, job description (for the project), and company of employment. In addition, the CONSULTANT should provide proof that they have attended and received certification through MDOT for the Project Development Manual Training for Local Public Agencies; 3. The CONSULTANT should provide a description of similar type work completed during the past five (5) years which qualifies the consultant for this work. Provide a detailed description of the role of the consultant and define whether the consultant was the prime or a subconsultant. Include in the description the amount of the consultant's contract for the work they provided for the project, the date the consultant's project was initiated, the consultant's scheduled completion date in accordance with the progress schedule, and when the consultant completed the work as stated in the contract. If the consultant's project was not completed on-time, identify any justifications. The firm should provide contact information for each of the projects. This will include the name of the client and client's representative that can verify and discuss the project; 4. The CONSULTANT should provide a brief description of its approach to completing the scope of work in an efficient manner. This description should describe the consultant's resources and abilities to project operations, project management and how they will utilize their equipment, personnel and other technical and procedural resources. The County will evaluate the Expressions of Interest based on the following factors listed in their relative order of importance: 1. Consultant Profile and Overall Capabilities 2. Key Personnel Assigned to Project 3. Experience with Scope of Work 4. Approach to Services Required Within Scope of Work 5. Office Location(s) where Work will be Performed and Quality of Proposal The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.
Roads / Highways
Public - County
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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Reunion Pkwy, Madison, MS
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