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Published September 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Republican City, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Award Details Contract Award Date: Sep 22, 2022 Contract Award Number: W912DQ22C1025 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: CJDSK6N5CPF1 Contractor Awarded Name: K.R.W. Construction, Inc. Contractor Awarded Address: Blair, NE 68008-2551 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $1742109.60 P2 - 500509 MAGNITUDE OF PROJECT--CONSTRUCTION The magnitude of this project is represented by the following estimated price range: $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Kansas City District (NWK), has a need for construction services at Harlan County Lake, Harlan County, NE. Points of Contact for this project are: CONTRACT SPECIALIST: Laura L. Hedrick PHONE: 816-389-3023 E-MAIL: laura.l.hedrick@usace.army.mil PROJECT MANAGER: Bradley A. Pettijohn PHONE: 816-389-3823 E-MAIL: bradley.a.pettijohn@usace.army.mil CONTRACTING OFFICER: David M. Best PHONE: 816-389-3404 E-MAIL: david.m.best@usace.army.mil BEFORE SIGNING AND EMAILING YOUR BID, please take note of the following, as failure to perform any one of these actions may cause your bid to be rejected. 1. AMENDMENTS: Have you acknowledged receipt of ALL amendments If in doubt as to the number of amendments issued, please contact our office. 2. AMENDED BID PAGES: If any of the amendments furnished amended bid pages, the amended bid pages must be used in submitting your bid. 3. BID GUARANTEE: Sufficient bid guarantees should be submitted using the latest version of Standard Form (SF) 24 and must be furnished with your bid, if your bid exceeds $150,000. 4. MISTAKE IN BID: Have you reviewed your bid prices for possible errors in calculations or work left out 5. FACSIMILE BIDS AND MODIFICATIONS: Will not be considered. Facsimile withdrawals will be considered. 6. BUY AMERICAN ACT: All bidders are cautioned that, prior Government conduct notwithstanding, the Contractor's selection of a domestic construction material which would require the subsequent selection of a foreign construction material for compatibility is not a justification for waiver of the Buy American Act. It is the Contractor's responsibility to verify, prior to submitting the materials for approval, which each system can be built to meet the contract specifications without the use of foreign construction materials. 7. SUBMISSION OF BIDS AND BID OPENING: Due to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, the Government is taking precautions to ensure the safety and health of all Contractors and Government employees. Electronic bids are REQUIRED. Mailed and hand-delivered bids are NOT ALLOWED. The Contractor is required to ensure that the bid package is legible and complete. Bid bonds shall be copied to where the seals are legible. To submit your bid electronically, email your bid to Contract Specialist Laura Hedrick (Laura.L.Hedrick@usace.army.mil) and Contracting Officer David M. Best (David.M.Best@usace.army.mil. Keep in mind that due to email safeguards and the size of your bid package, emails may not be received immediately by the Government; therefore, make sure to email bid packages at least an hour before the bid opening time specified in the solicitation to ensure there was adequate time to receive bids. If bid packages are not received by the Government recipient by the date and time specified for the bid opening, it may be considered late. Refer to FAR 52.214-7 for how late bid packages are handled. As another precaution, the conference room will be closed off to the public for viewing, but there will be a conference phone line available for all who are interested in attending the bid opening. The following information will be needed if you would like to call in for the bid opening: Conference Line Number: (844) 800-2712 Access Code: 199 138 9013 Security Code: 1234 If you have any questions, or cannot gain access to the conference line, contact Contract Specialist at (816) 389- 3023. 8. SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEMENT (SAM): In accordance with FAR 52.204-7, by submission of an offer, the offeror acknowledges the requirement that a prospective awardee shall be registered in the SAM database prior to award, during performance and through final payment of any contract resulting from this solicitation. If the offeror does not become registered in the SAM database in the time prescribed by the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officer will proceed to award to the next otherwise successful registered offeror. Offerors may obtain W912DQ22B1012 Page 4 of 44 information on registration and annual confirmation requirements via the SAM database accessed through https://www.sam.gov/SAM/. It is highly encouraged that all prospective offerors start their SAM registration process as soon as possible. SAM.GOV REGISTRATION IS FREE OF CHARGE. INQUIRIES/QUESTIONS/PLAN ROOM FOR DRAWINGS Prospective Bidders shall submit contracting and technical inquiries and questions concerning this solicitation document via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at www.projnet.org/projnet. To submit and review offer inquiry items, Offerors will need to be a current registered user or self-register into the system. To self-register, go to the aforementioned web page and click on Register. Select Agency: USACE, then select Site: Contractor. Complete the required fields and then click the Register button. If you are registered, enter the Managing Agency: USACE, your email address, and the Bidder Inquiry Key for this solicitation listed below, check the security box, and then click Sign in. From this page, you may view all bidder inquiries or add a new inquiry. Bidders will receive an acknowledgement of their questions via email, followed by an answer to their questions after it has been processed by our technical team. ***Please Note: Bidders shall only submit one (1) question per inquiry. All inquiries containing multiple questions shall be rejected*** The Solicitation Number is: W912DQ22B1012 The Bidder Inquiry Key is: P5RTWV-JJ2GYA The Plan Room Key is: 774G24-J5ECEW The Bidder Inquiry System will be unavailable for new inquiries after 9 August 2022, at 2PM local Kansas City time in order to ensure adequate time is allotted to form an appropriate response to inquiries and amend the solicitation, if necessary. Bidders are requested to review the specification in its entirety, and review the Bidder Inquiry System for answers to questions prior to submission of a new inquiry. The telephone number for the Call Center is 1-800-428-HELP. Email to: staff@projnet.info. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Water / Sewer


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70788 Corps Road A, Republican City, NE

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