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Published July 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Minot, North Dakota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Ward County Water Resource District ( District ) owns, operates, maintains, develops, and constructs drainage, flood protection, and other water infrastructure projects in accordance with its statutory authority. Per policy of the North Dakota Department of Water Resources (the DWR ), the District conducts an engineering services selection process at least every three years. Scope of Services The District seeks a statement of qualifications from licensed engineers to provide general engineering services and to assist, advise, and act on behalf of the District including (but not limited to): regular attendance at Water Resource Board meetings; surveys; inspection and maintenance of existing projects, including assessment projects, drains, and retention projects; development, study, survey, design, bidding, contract administration, and right of way acquisition regarding new projects, improvements to the District s existing projects, and snagging and clearing projects; administration and negotiation of land and right of way acquisition on behalf of the District; assistance regarding permit administration, including surface drainage, subsurface drainage, dam, and dike permitting; investigation and assistance regarding administration of dike, dam, drainage, and obstruction complaints; assessment district development; negotiation with road authorities, railroads, and other entities on the District s behalf; regular cooperation and interaction with the District s staff, legal counsel, and other consultants; and otherwise performing all other tasks as necessary to act on the District s behalf. Statements of Qualification must include (at minimum) : 1. Name of Respondent and general information regarding Respondent s entity structure; 2. Name, title, address, telephone number, and email address of contact person authorized to contractually obligate Respondent; 3. General introduction and brief history of Respondent s firm; 4. Description of Respondent s specialized or relevant experience or knowledge; 5. Confirmation that Respondent meets the appropriate North Dakota licensing requirements; 6. Previous experience with projects, including design and construction engineering, related to management, conservation, protection, development, and control of water resources and surface and subsurface waters, legal assessment drains and retention projects, issuance of revenue bonds for financing project construction, flood control, and prevention of water damage to property including, but not limited to, a list of completed projects 7. Survey expertise, both data collection and preliminary fieldwork; 8. Description of any other characteristics that would be uniquely relevant in evaluating Respondent s experience of Respondent; 9. Identification of key management, field, and staff members Respondent would assign to provide the District s services; 10. Information regarding Respondent s management, field, and staff members designated above, including name, position, telephone number, email address, education, and experience, including information regarding relevant project experience; and 11. General description of Respondent s ability to meet Respondent s time and budget requirements. Selection Criteria & Process Each Respondent will be evaluated and ranked on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of requested services, including past performance on behalf of the District and on similar projects; 2. Qualifications of personnel; 3. Ability and willingness to meet time and budget requirements; 4. Location, with higher priority given to firms headquartered in North Dakota; 5. Recent, current, and projected workloads; 6. Related experience on similar projects; and 7. Recent and current work for the District. The District will interview with the top three Respondents and select the top-rated Respondent. Written notice of the District s decision will be provided to all Respondents. The District reserves the right, in its discretion, to waive any deficiencies in any submissions, and to accept or reject any and all Qualification Statements submitted. Respondents are responsible for the costs of preparing their proposal and interview preparation and attendance. The method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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January 25, 2023


Multiple Locations, Minot, ND

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