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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Hattiesburg is requesting proposals from qualified professionals in the field of architectural history to complete a digital photography recordation package and cultural resources survey in order to comply with state and federal requirements associated with the city's 2019 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program application. Re: DR-4429-0014 City of Hattiesburg 2019 Acquisition Project (3422 W. Adeline St., 718A Grace Ave., 2807 Hillside Dr.) Mitigation of the findings of adverse effect, pursuant to Sec. 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. Whereas two of the above referenced properties, being 718A Grace Ave. and 2807 Hillside Dr., have been reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (SHPO) and whereas the proposed actions related to these properties have been identified as resulting in an adverse effect to historic resources, mitigation has been proposed and agreed upon by the SHPO, MEMA, FEMA, and the City of Hattiesburg. Pursuant to the requested mitigation, the City of Hattiesburg requests proposals from qualified professionals in the field of architectural history (or a closely related disciplines as approved by SHPO) for the completion of the following activities: 1) Recordation package for 718A Grace Ave. and 2807 Hillside Dr., to include full photo documentation, prior to the commencement of demolition of these two resources. Photo-documentation shall follow the policies and standards set forth by the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). 2) Intensive level Historic Resource Surveys of two potential districts in proximity to the above referenced properties, as referenced by the attached boundary maps "A" and "B". 3) Cultural Resource Survey report to determine if the two surveyed areas are eligible for listing in the NRHP. As this project is being undertaken with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, the successful responder shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with all required federal provisions. The City of Hattiesburg will then review each proposal and select a qualified firm or individual. All proposals should be clearly identified as follows: Name Of Firm Or Individual Proposals For Architectural & Historical Services 2019 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Proposal Content In order for your proposal to be properly evaluated, you must submit a Statement of Qualifications and Experience, Work Plan, Work Schedule, and Price Proposal in sufficient detail to be evaluated. All questions related to this Legal Ad shall be submitted in writing and directed to: Jennifer Shows, Grant Coordinator Urban Development Department City of Hattiesburg P. O. Box 1898 Hattiesburg, MS 39403-1898 (601) 545-4544 The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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January 30, 2023


Multiple Locations, Hattiesburg, MS

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