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Published October 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling of an educational facility in Corvallis, Oregon. Completed plans call for the remodel of a educational facility.

Summary of Work. Remodel Bloss Hall including installation of a fire suppression system. At minimum, the awarded Design Builder must provide a design/build project that can be completed during the summer of 2023; with construction beginning immediately after commencement, completing the total scope, and restoring the building to full occupancy by the beginning of September 2023. The design must be in alignment with UHDS, OSU, and federal standards and best practices on accessibility and inclusivity. UHDS aspires to develop a project program that allows the department to prioritize goals to complete as much scope as possible while staying within the defined budget Location. Bloss Hall, located at 2001 SW Western Blvd, Corvallis, Oregon, is a seven-story residence hall that opened in fall of 1971. It is named after John M. Bloss, the third president of Oregon Agricultural College (now known as OSU) serving from 1892 to 1896. Bloss Hall is not within the boundaries of the National Historic District on the OSU campus. Bloss Hall consists of almost exclusively suite style room configurations, with two (2) two-person rooms connected by a shared bathroom. Bloss Hall is presently one of the least renovated residence halls on the OSU campus, and as such, contains many of its original features. Recent upgrades do include replacement of showers and plumbing domestic water service and Waste lines (mains and branches) and the replacement of the roof. Oregon State University is conducting a competitive TWO-STEP Request for Proposals process to retain one (1) Design Build team to provide design build services in support of the Bloss Hall Remodel project on the OSU Corvallis campus. QUESTION DEADLINE: August 2, 2022, at 5:00 PM PT Scope of Services. The Project will provide a building program developed with the following goals: 1.5.1 Installation of a fire suppression system throughout Bloss Hall. This includes installation of new water service/PIPC, modification upgrade to existing protection system at basement and 1st floor, and installation of new fire protection on floors 2-7. 1.5.2 Remodel first floor to include upgrades to restrooms to provide ADA and gender inclusive facilities access. 1.5.3 Remodel galley kitchen to create community kitchen consistent with current UHDS standards. 1.5.4 Enhance shared recreational and study spaces to meet modern student needs. 1.5.5 Renovation of Resident Director apartment. 1.5.6 Upper floor remodels to include the demolition of existing built-in resident room furnishings and flooring. Renewal of wall surfaces. Installation of UHDS standard LVP flooring. Abatement may be separately contracted by OSU. 1.5.7 Replacement of furnishings and vanities in the rooms. 1.5.8 Replacement of corridor carpet. 1.5.9 Updates to lounges and kitchenettes on floor 2 nd 7 th 1.5.10 Exterior work to include cleaning of building facade and investigation and repair of any masonry/exterior envelope elements that need to be addressed to prevent water Summary of Work. Remodel Bloss Hall including installation of a fire suppression system. At minimum, the awarded Design Builder must provide a design/build project that can be completed during the summer of 2023; with construction beginning immediately after commencement, completing the total scope, and restoring the building to full occupancy by the beginning of September 2023. The design must be in alignment with UHDS, OSU, and federal standards and best practices on accessibility and inclusivity. UHDS aspires to develop a project program that allows the department to prioritize goals to complete as much scope as possible while staying within the defined budget.




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August 9, 2022

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2001 SW Western Blvd, Corvallis, OR

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