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Published July 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Morehead, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

For the furnishing of all labor, materials, supplies, tools, appliances, equipment, services, etc., necessary for the Cooper Hall Renovation Project as set forth in the specifications and as shown on the drawings for as prepared by Ross Tarrant Architects and CMTA Engineers and approved by Facilities Management, Morehead State University under the terms and conditions of this Invitation The Cooper Hall Renovation Project will take place within Cooper Hall located on the campus of Morehead State University. This scope of work includes complete renovation work of the following items: Project scope includes selective demolition; removal of hazardous materials has already occurred under separate contract. New interior partitions will primarily be metal stud framing with gypsum board sheathing, with some interior CMU wall patching and repairs. Exterior scope will create new window openings and modifications to the existing SBS roof system to accommodate new work. New aluminum windows, aluminum storefront, hotel metal frames, and wood doors are also included in the project scope. Interior finishes throughout the renovated spaces will include luxury vinyl tile, vinyl composition tile, ceramic tile, terrazzo refinishing, painted gypsum board and/or CMU walls, painted gypsum board soffits, and acoustical panel ceilings. Architectural wood casework includes reception desk, kitchen casework, restroom vanities, and other miscellaneous items. A new elevator and platform lift will be provided to address accessibility. Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems are being replaced in their entirety. New structural concrete, steel reinforcement, lintels/bond beams, and floor opening to be provided to support the new layout. Site work to include new entry ramp, stairs, railing, fencing, earthwork, and storm drainage Bids will be received from contractors on a Lump Sum Amount for the total project. All phases of the work shall be submitted in the manner herein described and on the official proposal form included with the conditions and specifications and shall be subject to all the conditions as set forth and described in the Bid Documents. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from Lynn Imaging at the web address above. Questions about obtaining plans and specifications may be directed to Andrea Stone at a.stone@moreheadstate.edu ** Only those Prime Contractors who have obtained Plans and Bid Documents directly from Lynn Imaging will be eligible to submit a bid for this project. SEALED BID INVITATION NO.: MO-10-23 COOPER HALL RENOVATION PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION A. The Listing of major subcontractors, unit prices, and material lists are to be submitted with the bid. B. A prime bidder is to have a responsible authorized representative at the bid opening for post bid review of the apparent low bid that follows immediately after the opening and reading of the bids. Failure to comply with this requirement may be cause for rejection of bid. C. Questions not asked during the Pre-bid meeting must be submitted to the Procurement Officer listed above. Responses will be posted as an Addendum on the Lynn Imaging Planroom. The deadline for questions is April 25, 2023 at 3pm EST. Note from Calhoun Construction: Unit prices are required for several items. There are 4 alternates, please note and include with your pricing. Please do not include any additional alternate/VE pricing other than what is listed in the docs.




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275 A B Chandler Pl, Morehead, KY

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