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Published July 6, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Danville, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Service Area: Cities: City of Bedford, Buena Vista, Cliffton Forge, Covington, Danville, Lexington, and Lynchburg. Counties: Alleghany, Amherst, Appomattox, Bath, Bedford County, Botetourt, Campbell, Pittsylvania, and Rockbridge. Comments: The Authority seeks to enter into contract with one qualified vendor who is able to provide services as outlined in the attached solicitation document. All inquiries for information should be directed via email to the Contract Officer listed above. All inquiries must be received in writing on or before July 12, 2022 SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, supervision, equipment, supplies, and materials to perform lawn and grounds maintenance. These services are to be provided in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. Bidders are encouraged to perform a site visit of the property to provide accurate pricing. A. LAWN AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE: The intent of this service is to maintain the grounds in a comprehensive, proactive, and orderly manner that results in a high level of quality and safety for Virginia ABC and its customers. 1. Required Services a. Lawn Maintenance - Contractor shall perform service once every seven (7) days (weather permitting) during the contract period unless specified otherwise. The growing season is considered to be from the 1st of April through the 31st of October (35 weeks). In the months of November through March, these services shall be done only with advanced approval of the Contract Administrator. i. Contractor shall mow/cut the grass as needed to meet the required performance measure. Lawn areas shall be allowed to grow to no more than four (4) inches high and then mowed so that height of grass is maintained between two-and-a-half (2.5) and three (3) inches and is uniform throughout the surrounding areas of the facility. ii. Contractor shall edge and trim all curbs, sidewalks and mulch beds. Edging and trimming shall be maintained so there is no encroachment of vegetation onto any curbs, sidewalks or mulch beds to ensure a neat appearance. iii. The Contractor Service Ticket (Attachment B) must be signed by an authorized Virginia ABC representative for each location serviced, and presented for signature as soon as the service is complete. This ensures the work is completed satisfactorily and if not, allows the vendor the opportunity to perform services as expected. b. Grounds Maintenance - year round weekly service i. Contractor shall edge and trim all curbs, sidewalks and mulch beds. Edging and trimming shall be maintained so there is no encroachment of vegetation for more than two (2) inches onto any curbs, sidewalks or mulch beds to ensure a neat appearance. ii. Maintain weed control at all fencing, curbs, along the building, and sidewalk areas weekly (52 weeks) during the contract period. Use of pesticides shall be approved by Contract Administrator. iii. Leaf removal on property on an as needed basis. iv. Sweep all sidewalks around the buildings and parking lot area. Pick-up all litter and debris from the grounds and parking lot. Empty outside trashcans and replace liners. c. Mulching i. Contractor shall apply mulch around all trees and shrubs twice per year, in the spring and fall, with a minimum depth of three (3) inches of double shredded hardwood bark mulch, free of weeds and debris ensuring an overall neat and clean appearance. ii. Contractor shall not cover the stems of shrubs and trees deeper than one (1) inch of mulch. d. Treatment of Shrubs and Trees i. Contractor shall spray and treat all shrubbery/trees with an appropriate insecticide on an as needed basis during the contract period. Use of pesticides shall be approved by Contract Administrator. ii. Contractor shall trim all shrubbery as needed to encourage healthy growth and remove any diseased, damaged, or dead parts to ensure a neat and desired appearance. Shrubbery shall be trimmed at appropriate times of year based on shrub. 2. Material Safety Data Sheets should be included with bid. If there are changes with the chemicals during the contract period, then they must be submitted and approved before use. 3. Virginia ABC reserves the right to add or delete locations on an as-needed basis, to meet operational requirements after contract award. Additional locations added will be solicited 'first' from existing contractors as a result of this Quick Quote resulting in an award. 4. Additional services may be added to this contract such as Aeration and Seeding services if the location has a need in order to keep the appearance of the areas neat and clean. Quotes will be obtained if services are needed to determine price reasonableness. If prices are not considered reasonable, other quotes will be obtained.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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235 N Union St, Danville, VA

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