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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Salt Lake City, Utah. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This Request for Statement of Qualifications ("RFSQ") is issued in accordance with the State of Utah Procurement Code, Utah Code Annotated (UCA) Chapter 63G-6a, and applicable Rules found in the Utah Administrative Code (UAC). If any provision of this RFSQ conflicts with the UCA or UAC, the UCA or UAC will take precedence. The State of Utah, Division of Purchasing has issued this RFSQ to obtain statements of qualifications from companies interested in providing technical services to the Division when in-house expertise is not available or if workload demands require outside assistance with the intent to award a contract under Utah Procurement Code 63G-6a-1501 for the Purchases of Professional Service Providers and Consultants. The State of Utah Division of Purchasing is the issuing procurement unit and the State of Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control is the conducting procurement unit for this RFSQ (referred to as "the State"). The reference number for this RFSQ is Solicitation #AS22-152. This solicitation number must be referred to on all bids, correspondence, and documentation submitted to the State relating to this RFSQ. Vendors are prohibited from communications regarding this RFSQ with the conducting procurement unit staff, evaluation committee members, or other associated individuals EXCEPT the State of Utah Division of Purchasing procurement officer overseeing this RFSQ. The State reserves the right to conduct discussions with the Vendors who submit Statements of Qualification determined to be reasonably susceptible of being selected for award. Additional funding may be added to the awarded contract(s) if additional funding is provided to the procurement unit for the purpose identified in the scope of work by the legislature. Each Statement of Qualifications received shall be evaluated for responsiveness in as outlined in the Utah Procurement Code. Pursuant to Administrative Rule R33-15-303, the Conducting Procurement Unit will evaluate the qualifications of all submitted responses and will select the vendor who is most qualified for direct negotiations. Any exceptions to the content of this RFSQ, including the prerequisites, must be protested in writing to the Division of Purchasing prior to the closing date. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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February 3, 2023


Multiple Locations, Salt Lake City, UT

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