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Published August 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling and renovation of a municipal facility in Tacoma, Washington. Completed plans call for the remodel of a municipal facility.

This work will take place at Bonneville's Tacoma Substation, located at 3702 Taylor Way, Tacoma, WA 98421 and Sno-King Substation, located at 3620 Maltby Road, Snohomish, WA 98012 within Bonneville's operating territory. Tacoma, Washington A. This specification summarizes construction, removal and installation of new BPA infrastructure & equipment to be performed at Tacoma substation. 1. Replacement of existing perimeter fence with medium security fence. 2. Installation of interior fence 3. Installation of vehicular swing gates 4. Installation of pedestrian gates 5. Addition of cameras on security poles on new site perimeter 6. Addition of slide gate with card reader access 7. Addition of security rack with equipment necessary for new cameras and card reader info 8. Replacement of existing cameras on perimeter of CH building. 9. Regrading for drainage improvement outside fence. 10. Surface leveling inside yard. Bothell, Washington A. This specification summarizes construction, removal and installation of new BPA infrastructure & equipment to be performed at Tacoma substation. 1. Replacement of existing perimeter fence with medium security fence. 2. Site expansion in multiple areas of yard 3. Installation of vehicular swing gates 4. Installation of pedestrian gates 5. Addition of cameras on security poles on new site perimeter 6. Addition of slide gate with card reader access 7. Addition of security rack with equipment necessary for new cameras and card reader info 8. Replacement of existing cameras on perimeter of CH building. The purpose of this contract is for construction of Physical Security Enhancement projects including NERC CIP 014 Security Perimeter Upgrades and NERC CIP 006 Control House Refreshes of the Access Control Systems. It will include labor and material to perform Civil, Structural, Electrical, and Security work to complete the Security projects to meet Bonneville's current security standards. The scope of work could include a combination of any of the following: Demolition, Excavation, Trenching and Backfill, Site Improvements including Asphalt Paving, Concrete Curbing, Installation of Concrete Footings, Installation of Medium Security Fencing, Automated and Manual Gates and Signage, Installation of Security Poles, Installation of Security Surveillance and Access Control Devices and all Electrical and Communication Fiber Conduit and Cabling to support them. Installation of all head-end controls including cabinet(s) and rack(s) that connect to the BUD Network System, all supporting Station Service Equipment, and Grounding of Equipment to the Substation Ground Grid, and any other related work. All work to be performed within the Tacoma and Sno-King Energized Substations and Control Houses. Tacoma Substation Goals for minority participation: 6.2% Goals for female participation: 6.9% Sno-King Substation Goals for minority participation: 7.2% Goals for female participation: 6.9%




Public - Federal

Remodeling, Renovation

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Multiple Locations, Tacoma, WA

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