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Published August 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a playground / park / athletic field in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Working plans call for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

**As of August 24,2022, no bids received, no information for rebid.** The City of Jacksonville (COJ) is seeking proposals for the installation of a concrete slab-on-grade at 36 Kerr Street, the site of the new Kerr Street Park Shelter. The slab-on-grade will be utilized for future building construction. This project includes but is not limited to providing and installing a 24ft long x 20ft wide concrete slab-on-grade. The concrete will be placed on a building pad that will be graded and compacted under this contract. See attached Site Plan for further information on complete installation requirements. Contractor to be responsible for layout, site grading, subgrade preparation, rebar/wire/anchor bolt placement, and concrete placement. Work shall be in accordance with federal, state and local codes and requirements. Contractor responsible for all costs associated with the project to include taxes and fees. Permit will be provided by the COJ. It is the intention of this RFP to include all cost for the construction of the information herein. All materials, labor and supervision shall be provided by the successful bidder. The slab-on-grade shall be 24ft long x 20ft wide to includes but is not limited to footers, slab, materials, labor, rebar, wire, vapor barrier, forms, backfill around perimeter, anchor bolts, sidewalk, grading, and site cleanup upon completion. See sheet S2 & S3 for footing detail. Successful bidder shall be responsible for all waste removal and disposal of all spoils. Should structurally unsuitable soils be encountered, the Unit Pricing for Unsuitable Soils and Suitable Soils will apply, see C. Unit Pricing below. Finish Floor Elevation (FFE) of new structure shall match the new elevation of the adjacent sidewalk. This contract will include the removal and replacement of approximately 60lf of sidewalk. All import/export materials, unless unsuitable, shall be by the successful bidder. Additional grading will be required along the banks sloping down to the new shelter location, which shall maintain a 3:1 slope. All disturbed ground to receive seed and straw. Surrounding grade, except along the sidewalk, shall be 4 lower than slab-on-grade FFE. The City reserves the right to alter the schedule of events or any portion of this RFP. The City will notify all Bidders of changes in writing through the issuance of written addendums. Any addendums issued in relation to this RFP are valid and binding. Time to complete this scope of work shall be 19 calendar days from Notice to Proceed. Should work not be completed by the allotted time, the City may collect liquidated damages and actual damages at a rate of $100.00 per day. This contract is expected to be completed within 3 weeks, therefore a single lump sum billing shall be issued once project is completed. Project will be paid in full to the Contractor once COJ Representative verifies that project is 100% complete to include punchlist and closeout paperwork.

Final Planning

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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July 19, 2022

February 24, 2023


36 Kerr St, Jacksonville, NC

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