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Published September 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in Columbus, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility; pre-engineered storage facility; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Award Details Contract Award Date: Sep 23, 2022 Contract Award Number: W912HN22C4004 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: TAKTNLW29YJ7 Contractor Awarded Name: BRASS CONSTRUCTION LLC Contractor Awarded Address: Newnan, GA 30263-1559 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $3279364.00 Project Number: FD-00105-0J - Repair Building 973 Fort Benning, Georgia 1. This Project is a 100% Small Disadvantaged Business Set-Aside under NAICS Code 236220 - Commercial and Instutional Building Construction. All certified small disadvantaged business (SDB) responsible bidders are encouraged to participate. 2. This acquisition w ill be aw arded in accordance w ith FAR Part 14 (Sealed Bidding). 3. Disclosure of Magnitude of Construction (FAR 36.204 & DFARS 236.204). The estimated Magnitude of Construction is betw een $1M to $5M. 4. Wage Determination: GA20220320 dated 07/22/2022. 5. Bidders must be registered in the System for Aw ard Management ( w w w .sam.gov). 6. Contractual POC: Sharon M Watson at sharon.m.w atson@usace.army.mil or (912-652-5164) NOTES TO BIDDERS This Acquisition will be solicited using FAR Part 14, Seal Bid Procedures and is a being solicited on an unrestricted basis as a Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) procurement. This is a Single Firm Fixed Price Contract for Project Numbers: FD-00105-0J - Repair Building 973, Fort Benning, Georgia. Basis for Award: Contract shall be awarded to the responsive and responsible, lowest priced prospective contractor. Before award, to be determined responsible, a prospective contractor must furnish the following information with the submitted bid: VOLUME I: o Bid Data Sheet (including CAGE Code, SAM UEI No., and Servicing SBA Office) o Current Financial Statement o Any applicable Teaming / Joint Venture Agreements VOLUME II: o Standard Form 1442 completed, any and all amendments acknowledged, and signed by an authorized person. This includes Representations and Certifications o Unit and Total Pricing for all items in the Contract Line-Item Schedule (except CLINS marked "DO NOT BID"). Failure to do so may result in rejection of an Offeror's bid. o Bid Schedule Summary Sheet o Bid Bond Guarantee per FAR 52.228-1. Failure to provide a bid bond guarantee per FAR 52.228-1 could render your bid nonresponsive. Submission of Bids: The only authorized transmission method for proposals in response to this solicitation is electronically via Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Solicitation Module. No Other Transmission Method (E-mail, Facsimile, U.S. Postal Mail, Hand Carried, etc.) Will Be Accepted. The Offeror's proposal shall not contain classified data. The use of hyperlinks in the bids is prohibited. The Offeror's bid must be received by the Government by the date/time specified in the solicitation, reference SF 1442 block 13a. Offerors shall submit their proposal using the following link: https://piee.eb.mil/ **The Government will not be responsible for bids delivered to any location or to anyone other than those designated to receive bids on its behalf. Bids shall not be addressed to any specific person. Offerors are responsible for ensuring that bids are submitted so as to reach the designated recipient. Offerors are responsible for allowing sufficient time for bids to be received in accordance with the instruction provided. File Description: Include a "File Description" for each file(s) you upload. The "File Description" will be in the email notice to each of the recipients you choose to have access your file(s). Note: Do NOT enter Privacy Act Data (Personal Identification Information (PII) in the File Description.) Submission shall be in Adobe PDF format. Title the file(s) in the following format: W912HN22B4005_COMPANY NAME_VOLUME I W912HN22B4005_COMPANY NAME_VOLUME II Instruction to Submit through the Solicitation Module in PIEE: You must have an active Proposal Manager role in PIEE at https://piee.eb.mil/. To upload the proposal in Solicitation module in PIEE: 1. Ensure you have an active role as with the Proposal Manager in PIEE. 2. Log into PIEE at https://piee.eb.mil/ to access the Solicitation Module. 3. Select Solicitation icon. 4. At the Home screen of the Solicitation Module, select the Search link to find the solicitation you intend to post an offer against. 5. In the Solicitation Search Criteria filter by entering the complete solicitation number and for Status, select Open, then click Search. 6. When search results display, select the solicitation number link to open the solicitation. 7. The solicitation displays, with information as view only. 8. To post the offer, click the Offer tab. 9. Click the Add button to add an offer to the solicitation. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




Public - Federal

Renovation, Site Work





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