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Published August 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Reading, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

697DCK-22-R-00281 - Sanitary Pipe Replacement (RDG) READING Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT), Reading PA. Mandatory Site Visit to be completed on July 13, 2022, at 11:00 AM (EST). Please confirm, NLT than COB July 11, 2022, the number of attendees from your organization attending the site visit so that the FAA can assign escorts. Please send a copy of your site attendees to both the Contract Specialist and Contracting Officer at the following emails: Contract Specialist: Carolyn H. Flynn Email: Carolyn.H.Flynn@faa.gov. Contracting Officer: Dylan. J. Huntley Email: Dylan.J.Huntley@faa.gov Milestones: Site Visit is confirmed for July 13, 2022, 11:00 AM (EST). Questions due NLT COB July 15, 2022. Estimated Project Magnitude is under $75,000.00. The offeror must e-mail any questions concerning sensitive technology to the Department of State at CISADA106@state.gov. The scope of this project is to replace a section of 4" sanitary sewer line for the bathroom of RDG ATCT. The 4" sanitary line will need to be replaced in the wet wall in the base building of the ATCT and then extend a new 4" cast iron pipe installed exterior to the building, below grade to the sewage lift station in the parking lot.In order to install the new sanitary pipe, the contactor will need to demolish the floor tile in the Men's Bathroom; saw cut and demolish a section of the floor slab in the Men's Bathroom, demolish a section of the tiled wet wall in the Men's Bathroom; core drill a new 6" hole in the foundation wall of the ATCT Base Building; excavate to the sewage lift station (core drilling a new hole into the lift station). After installation of the replacement sanitary main, the concrete floor in the Men's Bathroom shall be replaced and the wet wall in the bathroom shall be repaired. Provide a new ceramic tile floor and install new wall tile in the Men's Room. Reinstall the existing toilet and the existing urinal and sink. Provide new gaskets, wax seals and other hardware to reinstall the fixtures.


Water / Sewer


Public - Federal

Site Work

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2405b Bernville Rd, Reading, PA

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Sanitary Sewer Pipe Replacement at READING Air Traffic Control Tower

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