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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Tioga, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The government will NOT conduct a physical bid opening for this solicitation. Bids are due on 7 September 2022 by 2:00 PM CST. The government will hold the bid opening by conference call on 7 September 2022 at 3:00 pm CST when the bids are due. The government scheduled the bid opening an hour after the due time to allow enough time to download all e-mail documents. The USACE Omaha District will not accept any hard copy documentation submitted in response to this invitation for bids. Bidders wishing to participate in the telephonic bid opening shall email a list of participants to both Contracting Officer ( and Contract Specialist ( no later than the close of business 24 hours prior to the bid due date and time. Please reference "W9128F22B0013, Little Beaver Bay Bank Stabilization" in the email subject line. A responsive email will be sent to the bidder which will include confirmation of the list of participants, the conference call-in telephone number, and the security passcode for participants to utilize for the telephonic bid opening. INFORMATION FOR MODIFYING BIDS If a bidder needs to modify its bid, the bidder shall send the revised offer by e-mail before the date submitted within Block 13 of the SF 1442 or Block 14 of the most recently issued SF 30 applicable. ARITHMETIC DISCREPANCIES Any clerical mistake, including arithmetic discrepancies in a bid, will be handled according to FAR 14.407-2. Any clerical error, apparent on its face in the offer, may be corrected by the contracting officer before award, but only after first obtaining bidder verification of the bid intended. The following are examples of mistakes that may be fixed: (1) Obviously misplaced decimal points; (2) Discrepancies between unit price and extended price (unit price will govern); (3) Apparent errors in extension of unit prices; (4) Apparent errors in addition of lump sum and extended prices. 1.1.5 BASIS FOR AWARD Per FAR 52.214-19 Contract Award-Sealed Bidding-Construction in Section 00 21 00 (Instructions), the government will evaluate bids in response to this solicitation without discussions. It will award a contract to the responsible bidder whose offer, conforming to the solicitation, will be most advantageous to the government, considering only price and the price-related factors specified elsewhere in the solicitation. 1.1.6 DESCRIPTION OF WORK This project is for the implementation of bank stabilization measures in Williams County ND adjacent to Lake Sakakawea. W9128F22B0013 Page 8 of 74 The work will consist of hauling and placing fill material to the site to create a 3:1 slope, removing and hauling cut material to borrow location for disposal, placing geotextile fabric over the fill material, and placing riprap to armor the slope against future erosion due to wave action from Lake Sakakawea. Work shall also include reclaiming the current riprap stockpile location and future borrow location with topsoil and seeding. The work is located on Lake Sakakawea approximately 40 miles east of Williston, ND. The exact location of the work will be provided by the Contracting Officer's Representative. 1.1.7 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST The estimated magnitude of construction is between $500,000 and $1,000,000. 1.1.8 BID GUARANTEE See 52.228-1, Bid Guarantee in Section 00 72 00 (General Conditions). The bid guarantee must be on SF 24 and include a Power of Attorney appointing an attorney-in-fact with authority to bind the surety. At the time of bid opening, the bond is enforceable against the surety should the bidder fail to meet its obligation. A power of attorney must include a certification as to the authority of the surety's agents supported by a resolution of the surety authorizing their use and committing it bound by them. Electronic signatures and electronic, mechanically-applied, or printed dates may be used and considered original signatures and dates, without regard to the order in which affixed. A corporate seal on the SF-24 is not required. Mailing a bid guarantee is not allowed. BIDDER'S QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Bidders must submit questions and comments relative to the bidding documents via Bidder Inquiry as indicated below. Bidders may submit questions and comments relative to any proprietary concerns or bidding documents, or if the Bidder Inquiry system is out of service, to the individuals below: Contract Specialist - Clinton Russell Contracting Officer - Daniel Monahan BIDDER INQUIRY Bidders shall submit all questions via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at, ten calendar days before bid opening, to allow the government time to respond before receipt of bids or issue an amendment. W9128F22B0013 Page 10 of 74 Technical inquiries and questions relating to technical requirements, bidding procedures or bonds are to be submitted via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at: No Later Than four (4) calendar days before bid opening, in order that they may be given consideration or actions taken prior to receipt of offers. Phone calls for non-technical or procedural type questions should be made between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (Central Standard Time) Monday through Friday. The Bidder Inquiry system is to be used to ask and receive answers to all non-proprietary questions. To submit and review inquiry items, prospective vendors will need to use the Bidder Inquiry Key presented below and follow the instructions listed below. A prospective vendor who submits a comment /question will receive an acknowledgement of their comment/question via email, followed by an answer to the comment/question after it has been processed by our technical team. Bidders must use the Bidder Inquiry Key and instructions below to submit and review inquiry items. A bidder who enters a comment/question will receive an acknowledgment of their comment /question by email, followed by an answer to the comment/question after the government has processed it. The government will make available all timely questions and approved answers in ProjNet. The Solicitation Number is: W9128F22B0013 The Bidder Inquiry Key is: GZ2H46-T28G6C *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


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To Be Determined, Tioga, ND

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