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Published August 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in East Fayetteville, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

County of Cumberland requests proposals from qualified firms to provide Disaster Debris Collection Services at no immediate or annual cost to the County. The County intends to enter into two (2) stand-by contracts with a firm to provide the services contained within this RFP. One with a "Primary" contractor and the other with a "Secondary" contractor. The "Primary" contractor will be on a first contact basis for all disasters and emergencies that may require debris removal, reduction, disposal or other cleanup activities. The "Secondary" contractor will serve as a backup to the Primary for any disaster or emergency that may be of a scale larger than one company would be capable and equipped to handle. The County will reserve the right to decide, at the guidance and recommendation of the County Manager and/or the Emergency Services Director, when and if the "secondary" contract will be activated. Cumberland County is located in the eastern region of North Carolina and is home to Fort Bragg. The population of Cumberland County is approximately 335,000. The County consists of 652 square miles. While cost may be one of a number of considerations used in selecting a firm, the qualifications and competence of the firm will be the paramount considerations in the selection process. The RFP is comprised of the base RFP document, any attachments, and any addenda released before Contract award. All attachments and addenda released for this RFP in advance of any Contract award are incorporated herein by reference. By submitting a proposal, the vendor agrees to meet all stated requirements in this section as well as any other specifications, requirements and terms and conditions stated in this RFP. If a vendor is unclear about a requirement or specification or believes a change to a requirement would allow for the County to receive a better proposal, the vendor is urged and cautioned to submit these items in the form of a question during the question and answer period in accordance with Section 2.3. Vendors shall populate all attachments of this RFP that require the vendor to provide information and include an authorized signature where requested. Failure to include required documents and/or signatures, where requested, will result in rejection of submitted proposals. It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to have the proposal to the County department specified by the specified time and date of opening. Any proposal received after the proposal submission deadline will be rejected. a) Submit one (1) signed, original executed proposal response, five (5) photocopies, one (1) electronic copy on flash drive. b) Submit your proposal in a sealed package. Clearly mark each package with: (1) Vendor name; (2) the RFP number; and (3) the due date. Address the package(s) for delivery as shown in the table above. c) The electronic copies of your proposal must be provided on a flash drive. The files shall NOT be password protected, shall be in .PDF or .XLS format, and shall be capable of being copied to other media including readable in Microsoft Word and/or Microsoft Excel. Cost sheets should be submitted in Excel format. d) Firms are to submit written proposals which present the firm's qualifications and understanding of the Work to be performed. The firm's proposal should be prepared simply and economically and should provide all the information which it considers pertinent to its proposal and qualifications for the project. Emphasis should be placed on completeness of services offered and clarity of content. The response should be limited to fifty (50) pages, or as close as possible. e) All attached forms MUST be completed and signed by an authorized individual. Forms that are not completed entirely and/or not signed may result in disqualification. f) Vendors must follow the instructions in Section 3.1 to mark any pages as "confidential" or the like. Otherwise, the proposer will automatically be disqualified.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, East Fayetteville, NC

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