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Published November 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Rayville, Louisiana. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of August 15, 2022,The bid was approximately $733,000 which was out of the construction funding by about $145,000. The project will be re bid with a revised scope. Bids will be for the construction project entitled "Phase 5: New Wastewater Collection System I-20 Frontage Road." This Base Bid consists of the second phase of a four phase project and will provide wastewater services for proposed commercial development along the existing I-20 Frontage Road and includes rehab of an existing section of 8 inch gravity main along the east side and crossing LA Hwy 425 south of Interstate 20 at the Rayville Exit. This work will consist of installing approximately 3718 linear feet of new 8" gravity main; approximately 18 new manholes; service connections and tie-ins; removal of 2 existing manholes; plug/abandon approximately 667 linear feet of existing 8 inch gravity main; furnish/install 8 inch cleanout; clean approximately 200 linear feet of existing 8 inch gravity main; provide/install/tie-in the new East Frontage Road Lift Station; and secure easements as required. Add Alternate No. 1 will be to furnish and install an 8 inch gravity sewer main from Gravity Sewer Manhole No. EFR-8 to Manhole No. EFR-9 and includes approximately 180 linear feet of new 8 inch gravity sewer main, 1 new manhole and 1 new service connection. Add Alternate No. 2 will be to furnish and install an 8 inch gravity sewer main from Gravity Sewer Manhole No. EFR-14 to Manhole No. EFR-15 and includes approximately 240 linear feet of new 8 inch gravity sewer main, 1 new manhole and 1 new service connection. Estimate value: $588,782 (Base-$558,686; Add Alt No. 1-$13,947; Add Alt No. 2-$16,149) PN - G22-04-052

Under Construction

Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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September 16, 2022

November 14, 2022


I-20, Rayville, LA

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