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Published August 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Lansing, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility; and municipal facility.

Upgrade existing Siemens temperature controls system to a Siemens Desigo system. The State of Michigan has three buildings with obsolete Building Automation System (BAS) technology running the HVAC systems. Those buildings are the Secretary of State, Michigan State Police, and the Van Wagoner Building. The current systems are only able to run on Windows 7, yet the new IT requirements are for a Windows 10 server. Upgrading the building's BAS components and front-end will allow for the system to run on a Windows 10 server scope of work for each building. Secretary of State - 7064 browner Dr. Dimondale, MI Upgrade two (2) obsolete MEC Field Panels to new PXCM. Ensure downstream end devices are communicating properly. Connect new PXC controllers onto New Desigo CC V5.1 Server Migrate allFieldPanel Database from Insight BMS software database to new Desigo CC Server. Upgrade all Graphics Templates for Applications Specific Controllers (ASC/TEC). Complete Point-to-Point Checkout for all upgraded field panels withd eficiency list for follow up. Recommission Program Logic (PPCL) based on latest Mechanical Sequence of Operations. Provide 16 hours of on-site training. Michigan State Police HQ - 7150 Harris Dr, Dimondale, MI Upgrade four (4) obsolete MEC Field Panels to new PXCM. Ensure downstream end devices are communicating properly. AddnewDesigoCCV5.1 Server Software with Two(2)Client License to customer provided Server with IT and Network support. Connect new PXC controllers onto New Desigo CC V5.1 Server Migrate allFieldPanel Database from Insight BMS software database to new Desigo CC Server. Upgrade all Graphics Templates for Applications Specific Controllers (ASC/TEC). Complete Point-to-Point Checkout for all Upgraded field panels with deficiency list for follow up. Recommission Program Logic (PPCL) based on latest Mechanical Sequence of Operations. Provide 16 hours of on-site training. Van Wagoner Building - 425 W Ottawa St, Lansing, MI 48933 Upgrade Two (2) obsolete MEC Field Panels to new PXCM. Upgrade Twenty-Nine (29)obsoleteremoteexpansionmodules tonewPXCMandBIMproducts. Ensure downstream end devices are communicating properly. Connect new PXC controllers onto New Desigo CC V5.1 Server Migrate allFieldPanel Database from Insight BMS software database to new Desigo CC Server. Upgrade all Graphics Templates for Applications Specific Controllers (ASC/TEC). Complete Point-to-Point Checkout for all Upgraded field panels withd eficiency list for follow up. Recommission Program Logic (PPCL) based on latest Mechanical Sequence of Operations. Provide 16 hours of on-site training


Fire / Police


Public - State/Provincial


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Lansing, MI

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