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Published July 12, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Saint-Etienne-de-Beauharnois, Quebec. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; for the construction of a warehouse / distribution facility; and warehouse / distribution facility.

As an indication and without commitment from Hydro-Quebec, the order of magnitude, including the options, is: between $1,000,000 and $3,000,000 The work included in this document mainly includes the construction of an access road and storage area at Chateauguay substation. In addition, the contract includes the following work: - Stump removal, cleaning, stripping of the "additional" zone including the management of spoil according to the special clauses of section 6 of this document; - Loading, transportation and disposal of piles of material present at the site identified as Pi1 to Pi23 and Pi-Bache, Pi-Bois and Pi-Gravel as shown on page 30 of appendix "PR22-36_HQ_Inspection boise_Projet report"; - Loading, transport and disposal of a pile of soil contaminated with buckthorn an invasive alien species (IAS) and shown in the "Worksite area and temporary facilities" appendix; - Removal and disposal of 2 temporary culverts in the alignment of the future access road (Embankment and TTOG of 300mm of 9m each) according to the appendix "Presence of culverts" Legal requirements: Certification from Revenu Quebec or no establishment in Quebec form (ARQ/AEQ) License from the Regie du batiment du Quebec (RBQ) Number of the Commission de la construction du Quebec (CCQ) Contract requirements: Declaration ISO 9001 certification in force Mandatory Disclosure: Conflict of Interest and Solemn Affirmations Execution schedule indicating the periods of construction activities In order to properly plan the course of the visit, we ask that you : o Visitors must wear personal protective equipment, including boots, helmet, bib and safety glasses. o It is required to present photo ID (driver's license, health insurance card) during the visit. Covid requirements: o Hand washing is mandatory, disinfectant gel will be provided by Hydro-Quebec. o Wearing a mask or face covering is required inside Hydro-Quebec buildings; o The social distancing in force must be respected. o At the entrance to the site, everyone must complete the register of people present at the site. In addition, this register must contain the answers to the following questions: - "Do I have any of the symptoms: cough, fever, breathing difficulties, sudden loss of smell >> - << Have I returned from a trip outside the country for less than 2 weeks - " Am I in contact with someone who has COVID-19" >> Confirm your attendance: o Those interested in bidding must confirm before July 18, 2022 2:00 p.m. to the file manager using the Messaging section. Please provide us with the names of the people present at the visit as well as their cell phone number. Note: Hydro-Quebec is not responsible for any changes that may occur regarding this visit if you have not confirmed your presence within the prescribed time. Request for guarantees Period of validity of the submission: 60 days from the date of opening of tenders Information Request/Questions: Must be sent to the manager at least three working days before the deadline date and time set for the receipt of tenders Hydro-Quebec does not undertake to accept any of the proposals received. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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610 Rang Saint-Laurent, Saint-Etienne-de-Beauharnois, QC

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