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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Moultonborough, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

As of September 21, 2022, project was awarded to Pike Industries, awarded amount is $1,242,787.70. Work includes the rehabilitation, reconstruction, and paving of town roadways. THE TIME FRAME FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF ALL ROAD WORK, EXCEPT FINAL PAVING, SHALL BE NOVEMBER 11,2022. COMPLETION OF ALL WORK SHALL BE JUNE 9, 2023. RECLAMATION AND PAVING PORTION OF THE PROJECT Project Location(s): Reclamation and Paving: Ferry Road (From Moultonboro Neck Road to gravel section: 4,100 LF), States Landing Road (From Interlaken Street to boat ramp: 4,375 LF), Old Long Island Road (From Long Island Road to Windermere Road: 2,700 LF). Description ofWork to Be Performed for the Pavement Reclamation portion: For designated sections ofroad within the Project Location, work shall consist ofpulverizing the existing pavement together with the base material to a depth of 8 inches; incorporating a 3" thick layer of 1 '/z" stone following the first pass; grading and compacting the new surface with a sheep's foot vibratory roller; trimming a cold-plane butt joint 2' wide along the full width ofroadway tapering from 0" to 1" at each paved street intersection, and providing a 2.5" base and 1.5" wear course ofhot bituminous pavement. A crushed gravel or recycled asphalt shoulder of2-foot minimum width is to be provided from the reclaimed base material to the existing ditch - as conditions allow. This gravel will be flush to the final overlay sloping at 5% away from pavement edge to ditch line. Replacement of culverts and reestablishment of ditch lines may also be needed. Exact locations and amount will be determined in the field. Drive entry aprons are to be provided as directed, typically 2-foot aprons. The existing paved driveways are to be trimmed to ensure a smooth transition with the overlay, as needed. The existing gravel driveways are to be backed with crushed gravel for a smooth transition from the paved apron, as needed. The intent ofthe contract is to provide "Full Depth". The "Bid" specifies a "depth of 8 inches". Should pavement thickness or base conditions warrant, this limit may be adjusted for certain sections of roadway by the Director ofPublic Works at no reduction to the unit price. FULL-DEPTH RECONSTRUCTION PORTION OF THE PROJECT Project Location(s): Full Depth Reconstruction: States Landing Road (From Governor Wentworth Highway (Route 109) to Interlaken Street: 1,000 LF) Description ofWork to Be Performed for the Full Depth Reconstruction portion: For designated sections ofroad within the Project Location, work shall consist of a full depth reconstruction ofbase gravels maintaining existing centerline grades along the entire length ofthe roadway or as may be adjusted by the Director. This work shall include excavation and disposal ofthe existing pavement and gravels to a depth of 22" below finished grade and to a limit of 2' beyond the finished pavement width, installation of a 315ST woven geotextile stabilization fabric, 12" depth ofbank run gravel followed by a 6" depth of crushed gravel, grading and compacting each gravel lift achieving a 95% compaction testing result, trimming a cold-plane butt joint 2' wide along the full width ofroadway tapering from 0" to 1." at each paved street intersection, and providing a 2.5" base and 1.5" wear course ofhot bituminous pavement. A crushed gravel or recycled asphalt shoulder of2-foot minimum width is to be provided to the existing ditch - as conditions allow. This gravel will be flush to the final overlay sloping at 5% away from pavement edge to ditch line. Replacement of culverts and re-establishment ofditch lines is also required. Exact locations and amount will be determined in the field. Drive entry aprons are to be provided as directed, typically 2-foot aprons. The existing paved driveways are to be trimmed to ensure a smooth transition with the overlay, as needed. The existing gravel driveways are to be backed with crushed gravel for a smooth transition from the paved apron, as needed. The intent ofthe contract is to provide a new full-depth road box over stabilization fabric.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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August 9, 2022

September 26, 2022


Multiple Locations, Moultonborough, NH

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