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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Whitesburg, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.
Responsible Contractors who have proper experience, equipment and qualifications are invited to bid on this work. These factors will be considered in the Award of Contract and all work will be performed under the standard regulations for construction of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Sealed bid documents for the following work will be received by the Division of Engineering and Contract Administration. Bids will be received through MOVEit as described in the manner and on the date hereinafter specified for the furnishing of all labor, materials, supplies, tools, appliances, equipment, services, etc., necessary for Sam Wright, AML Reclamation Project, Letcher County, Kentucky, as set forth in the specifications and on the drawings and approved by the Department for Facilities and Support Services of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and under the terms and conditions to this Request for Bid. The Sam Wright AML Reclamation Project, with project limits boundaries enclosing approximately 1.4 acres, will create up to approximately 1.0 acre of disturbance. This project will address ground motion that is affecting the foundation curtain wall on the upslope side of the Wright residence, the structure of which was expanded following a previous AML (Emergency) Project constructed at the site by OSMRE. A concrete gravity wall will be constructed on the uphill side of the residence. Class-II stone will then be placed between the top of the wall and the slope in order to ballast the toe of the slope above the new gravity wall. An 8" diameter pipe will extend from the retaining wall subdrain to a 2' flat-bottom grass-lined ditch that will carry drainage captured by the retaining wall off the house seat along the path of an existing perimeter ditch. All excavated earthen material will be filled on the hillside below the residence. Prior to the placement of fill in this area, the exiting topsoil will be removed and set aside to be replaced following the placement of the fill material. All disturbed areas at this site will be revegetated by means of the AML Standard Residential Seed Mixture. The proposed reclamation action will not cause any disturbance to streams, forested areas, individual trees, caves or cave-like features (including underground mine openings and/or workings). The strict implementation and enforcement of Sediment and Erosion Control Best Management Practices will prevent any significant amount of sediments disturbed by projectrelated activities from entering area streams. Lump sum bids will be received from Prime Contractors for the project. All phases of work shall be bid to and through the Prime Contracting Firms. Bids shall be submitted in the manner herein described and on the official bid document form included with the conditions and specifications and shall be subject to all the conditions as set forth and described in the Bid Documents. The lump sum bid shall include all items included on the Estimated Quantities Document. Unit Prices will be used for adjustments to the estimated quantities and contractors will be paid for the actual quantities. Bids shall be submitted on the Official Form supplied by the Division of Engineering and Contract Administration. Failure to comply with the foregoing requirements will be cause for invalidation of bid. Award shall be issued on the lowest responsive bid by a responsible bidder. The Bid Document shall contain all qualifying requirements and forms. It is the intent of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to use all available funds. Kentucky Workers' Compensation: Pursuant to KRS 45A.480, the Commonwealth of Kentucky may not contract with any person not in compliance with Kentucky's KRS Chapter 342 workers' compensation insurance requirements. Bid is subject to Reciprocal preference for Kentucky resident bidders and Preferences for a Qualified Bidder or the Department of Corrections, Division of Prison Industries (KAR 200 5:410. Bids will no longer be accepted via postal carrier (USPS, UPS, FED EX, etc.) nor can bids be delivered to the Bush Building. All forms in your bid document shall be completely filled out when your bid is submitted. Bids must be submitted electronically through MOVEit in order to be accepted. Instructions are attached. Contractors must load their Bid Documents COMBINED under the corresponding RFB in MOVEit in order for it to be received. IF BID IS NOT UPLOADED IN THE CORRECT FOLDER IN MOVEit, THE BID WILL BE DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. Bidders are encouraged to take a screen shot verifying bid submittal. This is a secure website, no one can see these bids but the buyers. They are date and time stamped when submitted. Please note that the instructions for MOVEit state that contractors will be notified when their bid is received. Buyers will NOT be notifying contractors. All results will be posted to Lynn Imaging planroom after the bid opening and review. If additional information is needed from the successful bidder the buyer will be in contact. The Division of Contracting & Administration, Commonwealth of Kentucky, reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive all informalities and/or technicalities where the best interest of the Commonwealth may be served. There will be a public bid reading by conference call on the bid opening date at 11:00 A.M. Eastern Time. The dial in number is 502-782-2663 or 844-603-5060. Participant code is 960605#
Roads / Highways
Public - State/Provincial
Paving, Site Work
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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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