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Published September 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling and renovation of a military facility in Joint Base Lewis McChord, Washington. Completed plans call for the remodel of a military facility.

.1 Project Description: The objective of this project is for the Contractor to provide all labor, materials and equipment necessary to repair by replacement the morgue cooler and provide temporary morgue cooler during repair actions at Madigan Army Medical Center (Bldg 9040), Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA, in accordance with all Federal, State, and Installation codes and laws, to include preparation of a design as discussed below, Safety Procedures, Standard Operating Procedures and Manufacturer Requirements. Some work will be completed after normal duty hours and/or on weekends to minimize impact on departments. 2.1.1 Site Survey and Report: The site survey and report shall comply with the requirements of the basic contract. Prior to the site survey, the contractor shall complete the Pre-site Survey Checklist (provided in your base contract) to document that all required preparations for the site survey have been completed, to include developing a detailed schedule and coordinating with the Contracting Officer's Representative to identify required documents/information. The contractor shall schedule a pre-site survey teleconference prior to the site visit to discuss the information required by the checklist. Site survey will discuss power requirements of temporary cooler and propose methods to provide emergency power to unit. Existing cooler box is original to the building and the seams have developed leaks and connecting/locking bolts have gotten loose and damaged/missing possibly caused by settlement of building or compression of insulation. The evaporators are rusting internally and have caused repeated issues with clogging drain pan drains. 2.1.2 Design: The contractor shall prepare design documents to clearly describe their plan of work for completing the requirements of this project. The site survey report prepared under this task order shall serve as the basis for this design. The design documents shall address all aspects of the work to be performed, to include anticipated outages (number and duration), phasing requirements, transition space if required, etc. and be provided in 95% and 100% submittals. ITEMS TO BE INCLUDED IN DESIGN: The Design (as a minimum) to be submitted in two distinct stages of development. The submittals shall include, but not be limited to, the following. 1. Executive summary providing a brief description of the work. 2. Narrative description of work required, referencing study and design calculations. 3. Sequential listing of steps required for the repair/minor construction. 4. Work schedule. 5. Drawings, as applicable. Hard copies before final and as-builts may be half-size (11" x 17"). Electronic version of drawings shall be submitted in .pdf and AutoCAD version. AutoCAD drawings do not need to be bound for design submittals as long as all references are included. - General - Cover sheet, index of drawings, location map - Legend and abbreviations - Architectural - Floor plans/site plan - Mechanical - Floor plans - System diagrams - Details - Schedules - Controls - Electrical - Floor plans/site plan - One lines - Details - Schedules 6. Construction standards. 7. Calculations and analyses (where applicable). 8. Original scope of work. 9. Material take-offs. 10. Catalog cuts and equipment specs. 11. Manufacturers' installation procedures or execution specifications.




Public - Federal

Remodeling, Renovation

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9040 Jackson Ave, Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA

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