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Published September 9, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a sidewalk / parking lot in Mildred, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The Sullivan County Commissioners will be accepting bids for removing approximately 250 linear feet of stone wall and replacing approximately 150 linear feet of stone wall at the Mattern Building located at 7406 Route 487, Mildred, PA. Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage applies to any bid over $25,000.00. A performance bond in the amount of 10% of the bid price shall accompany all bids. Bond may be by Certified Check, Irrevocable Letter of Credit, or other financial security acceptable to the owner. The Commissioners have the right to reject any and all bids. Clarification Deadline: 7/26/2022 2:00 PM Leave existing piers at the steps and a small section of wall where it will be marked. The pier on left side of steps will be pushed back and refastened to existing wall in a suitable manner. Remove existing stone wall and replace with concrete stacked stone-faced barrier blocks and cap blocks. The wall on the left side of pier will be 2 blocks high with a cap block and will have a corner return of at least 14 feet at the corner of Route 487 and Factory Rd. The right side of pier will be 1 block high with a cap block. New blocks shall be set on a suitable, stable foundation. All debris is to be cleaned up and hauled away by contractor. Any necessary highway permits and flaggers will be the responsibility of the contractor also. New block wall should be backfilled and have new Geotech barrier placed along with appropriate size gravel up to the height of the cap block. Then 6" of top soil on top of stone and seeded along with hay on top. All new block and cap block will be in a color and pattern predetermined by the county. The rest of the existing wall from the new return to a predetermined point will be removed by the contractor and existing bank will be regraded down to the berm of the road. The new bank will be seeded and have hay put on so it is able to be mowed


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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7406 PA-487, Mildred, PA

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