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Published August 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Kent, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

King County Housing Authority (KCHA) Mardi Gras Mechanical & Roof Bid Request for Bids Kcha will accept Bids from Qualified General Contractors to furnish labor, materials and nec-essary equipment to the Mardi Gras .Apts to perform Mechanical and Roof replacements. Question Deadline 07/27/2022 SCOPE OF WORK: MARDI GRAS MECHANICAL & ROOF Mardi Gras is a three-story brick exterior built-in 1970 with 61 resident units for a senior and disabled population. The roof work will include removing HVAC equipment, vents and hoods, and all associated electrical, gas, or conduit to install a new TPO roofing system. Remove and salvage all intake, exhaust, HVAC equipment, ventilator vents and hoods, and all associated electrical or conduit to install a new TPO roofing system. Install new boots and flashings on all plumbing vent stacks, fall protection anchors, and extend any plumbing vent stacks to meet the new roof assembly. The existing masonry chimney will receive new counter flashing and a metal chimney cap to fit the current chimney size. All current ventilation stacks will be removed (and vacuumed) to complete the installation of the new roof assembly and associated flashing. The existing fascia board will remain a sub fascia for the new 2" x12" synthetic board. The contractor's bid will account for all means and methods necessary to complete the scope of work. KCHA expects that the winning contractor will staff the project appropriately to complete the project in a timely and safe manner. Potential contractors for this project note that elevator access will not be available. Material drops will need to be via lifts, and worker access will be by stairwells. The contractor's responsibility will be to perform all work based on the existing access and available laydown. The contractor is to field verify quantities and locations for removal and reinstallation of the current components to remain.

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24009 104th Ave SE, Kent, WA

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