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Published September 5, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Bedford, Iowa. Working plans call for the renovation of a 800-square-foot multi-residential development.

No Bids Received Per Architect Project consists of completely renovate an 800sf upper-level apartment. Construction includes: wood framing, drywall, flooring, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems. Bidders will be required to submit AIA Document A305- Contractors Qualification Statement. Bidders must demonstrate the following to the satisfaction of Owner: 1. Proper license under the laws and regulations governing their respective trade(s). 2. Capacity to provide Performance Bond, Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Insurance in a form acceptable to Owner in amounts adequate to bond the Work. 3. Applicable experience of firm as described in the Contractors Qualification Statement, including the following: a. Experience of Firm: The firm in its current organization shall have successfully completed minimum of five projects of similar type, quality, and scope, including a minimum of two within the last five years. The firm shall have a record of project completion, change order record, record of judgment claims, arbitration proceedings, and suits pending or outstanding acceptable to Owner. b. Experience of Firm Officers: The firm officers shall have personal record of project completion acceptable to Owner. c. Experience of Project and Field Management Staff to Be Committed by the Prospective Bidder to Carry Out the Work: The assigned project manager and field superintendent must have successfully completed minimum of two projects of similar type, quality, and scope. d. For purposes of this submittal, reference to key individuals as described in the Contractors Qualification Statement shall be understood to mean the principal in charge, the project manager(s), and the project field superintendent(s) committed by the Prospective Bidder to carry out the Work of this Project. Prospective Bidder by submitting qualifications of key individuals agrees that Owner reserves the right to approve or reject subsequent reassignment of key individuals. e. For purposes of this submittal, successful completion shall be understood to mean completion of project within project schedule and budget. Provide additional information indicating reasons why any referenced project did not meet project schedule or project budget. f. For purposes of this Qualification, similar project shall be understood to include the following project elements: 1) Similar in size and cost. 4. Adequate financial resources, including ability to secure materials and labor necessary for completion of the Work and other work in hand, within the anticipated contract times, and reflecting the anticipated retainage from progress payments. 5. Work-in-hand capacity, such that the Prospective Bidder demonstrates adequate work under contract to continue its business operations at least at their current level, at the same time indicating the capability to carry out Owners proposed work. 6. Adequate organization to complete work of the scope anticipated, including firm management, project management, field superintendence, and field engineering and quality control. 7. Acceptable past performance as indicated by firm's references, including ability to meet contract time and to monitor, manage, and communicate interim scheduling requirements, to carry out required quality-control activities, to properly prepare interim and final payment requests, and to successfully complete project closeout requirements. 8. Bidders are required to be registered with the Iowa Workforce Development Bid security shall be submitted with each bid in the amount of 5 percent of the bid amount. Use a Bid Bond (AIA A310). No bids may be withdrawn for a period of 45 days after opening of bids. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. The contractor shall furnish bonds covering faithful performance of the Contract and payment obligations arising thereunder. Bonds may be obtained through the contractor's usual source and the cost thereof shall be included in the bid price. The amount of each bond shall be equal to 100 percent of the Contract sum. All contractors submitting bids will be evaluated as per Competitive Negotiation Selection Criteria as enclosed in this document. As of September 5, 2023, no bids received for the 3rd time, owner not sure what is happening next

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411 Main St, Bedford, IA

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