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Saving Project...

Published August 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Woodstock, Ontario. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The work under Contract Number 11106 generally consists of the asphalt resurfacing of the following streets: - Braeside Street from Orchard Road to Springbank Avenue; - Cardinal Drive from Lansdowne Avenue to Falcon Drive (east leg); - Cree Avenue from Springbank Avenue to Devonshire Avenue; - Dover Street from Walter Street to Bernadette Place; - Falcon Drive from 43 metres south of Cardinal Drive (west leg) to Cardinal Drive (east leg); - Graham Street from Ingersoll Avenue to Drew Street; - Heron Avenue from Finch Avenue to Cardinal Drive; - Keats Drive from Alice Street to north end; - Mohawk Street from Cree Avenue to Lansdowne Avenue; - Ojibway Street from Springbank Avenue to Cree Avenue; - Orchard Road from Edgewood Drive to Warwick Street; - Pember's Pass from Sales Drive to Finkle Street; - Seneca Place from Cree Avenue to southwest end; and - Sioux Crescent from Ojibway Street to Ojibway Street. The work under Contract Number 11107 generally consists of the supply and placement of surface asphalt (on last year's road reconstruction projects) for the following streets: - Bay Street from Dundas Street to south end (Canadian National Railway); - Bernard Street from Sixth Avenue to Catharine Street; - Drew Street from west end (Canadian Pacific Railway) to Oxford Street; - Fifth Avenue from Anderson Street to Mill Street; and - King Street from Victoria Street to Bay Street. - Please refer to Tender Document for additional details. Documents can be obtained at: https://cityofwoodstock.bidsandtenders.ca


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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