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Published July 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a bridge / tunnel in West Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

For Rehabilitation of the North 35th Street Bridge Over Pierce Street Time for Completion: Contract Completion Date: November 18, 2022. Liquidated Damages, per diem: $250 The residency requirement for this project is 0% of all hours worked on the project. One quarter of these hours must be attributable to residents living in the following zip codes: 53204, 53205, 53206, 53208, 53210, 53212, 53215, and 53233. The SBE requirement for this project is 0% of the contract base bid. The SBE Compliance Plan (Form A) must be submitted with the bid and is an element of bid responsiveness. SBE certificates must be submitted with the Form A. Incomplete SBE Compliance Plans (Form A) or inaccurate SBE Compliance Plans will not be accepted and will render the bid unresponsive. For a complete listing of City of Milwaukee certified SBE firms, see the Office of Equity and Inclusions (OEI) website electronically If there are any questions regarding SBE firms, please contact the OEI office at 414-286-5553. The apprenticeship requirements for this project are: one (1) laborer. If this contract is awarded at $500,000 or higher, 25% of all apprentice labor hours must be worked by apprentices certified for participation in the Residents Preference Program and 40% of all apprentice labor hours must be attributed to apprentices living in the following zip codes: 53204, 53205, 53206, 53208, 53210, 53212, 53215, and 53233 The contractor shall specifically note the SBE, residency, and apprenticeship forms for this project. If the forms are not filled out properly, it will be cause for rejection of the bid. Bid Security Required: Bond, Certified Check, Cashiers Check or Cash to accompany bid: 10% of the Contractors Base Bid. For those bids being submitted through Bid Express and using a manual Bond, the contractor may send a signed/executed copy of the bid bond to the Department of Public Works Contract Office by emailing DPWbids@milwaukee.gov. The original bid bond document must then be submitted by the contractor to the Department of Public Works Contract Office in-person or by mail to 841 N Broadway, Rm. 506, Milwaukee, WI 53202, immediately upon being notified that they are the apparent low bidder. Any required addenda or response related to listed projects will be posted on both the DPW and electronically . Call 414-286-3314 to have your companys name and contact information added to the plan holders list. Payment monitoring requirements: All contractors awarded a contract valued at $25,000.00 or more are required to participate in training on the city of milwaukees b2gnow contract compliance software within 30 days of the contract award date. Throughout the contract term, Contractors are required to regularly provide timely subcontractor payment information in the Citys contract compliance software. Please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) at 414-286-5553 should you have any questions or concerns regarding the training or reporting process. Throughout the contract term, Contractors are required to regularly provide timely payroll information via LCP Tracker. Please contact the DPW Contracts Office at 414-286-3314 should you have any questions or concerns regarding the training or reporting process.

Bid Results

Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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July 27, 2022

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800 S 35th St, West Milwaukee, WI

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