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Published July 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fairfield, Illinois. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Jasper Community Consolidated School District #17 (the "District") at 2030 Co. Rd. 1020 N, Fairfield, IL 62837 is requesting Qualified Providers to propose energy conservation measures through a guaranteed energy savings contract. The District's objective in issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to provide a competitive means in which to select a qualified provider for a Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract under a phased approach for all buildings. The contract shall follow the requirements of Article 19b of the Illinois School Code. A. The work to be included in the project may include but not limited to upgrades or replacement of equipment and/or material include in, but not limited to roofing, tuckpointing, parking lots, doors, windows, flooring, lighting, plumbing, domestic water, HVAC and security. B. The intent of this RFP is to provide the owner with the means to realize maximum energy and operational savings and/or related improvements to its facilities. C. A savings guarantee will be offered as part of the qualified provider's proposal. The savings in energy and operating costs are guaranteed to cover the cost of the contract. D. If a proposal includes any proprietary data or information that the respondent does not want disclosed to the public, such data or information must be specifically identified as such on every page which it is found. Data or information so identified will be used by the school solely for the purpose of evaluating proposals and conducting contract negotiations. Disclosure of any proprietary information by the District shall be in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding disclosure in force in the State of Illinois. For questions contact Shari Berger, the District's Superintendent, 618-842-3048. Proposals shall include implementation of energy conservation measures. "Energy conservation measure" means any improvement, repair, alteration, or betterment of any building or facility owned or operated by the school district or any equipment, fixture, or furnishing to be added to or used in any such building or facility, subject to the building code, that is designed to reduce energy consumption or operating costs. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities in the proposal procedure, or accept the proposal that, in its opinion, will serve the best interest of the School District. The District further reserves the right to award all or a portion of the work to one or more providers. Any such decision shall be considered final. Failure to meet any of the required criteria may result in automatic rejection of the proposal. Award of Contract September, 2022



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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August 15, 2022

September 1, 2022


Multiple Locations, Fairfield, IL

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Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract - Jasper Community Consolidated School District (CCSD) 17

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