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Published December 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in N Providence, Rhode Island. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a residential development; and residential development.

The Providence Housing Authority is seeking to replace the burned roof of the Scattered Site home located on 23 Derry Street, Providence, RI 02908 as the result of a fire. The total living area of the house is approximately 1,698 sqft or 20 ft x 28 ft per floor. Based on the standardization of the Scattered Sites, the Providence Housing Authority requires the use of certain materials or specific products for the necessary repairs, none of which will be provided by the Providence Housing Authority. For the roofing, the property has a gabled roof structure with Asphalt Shingle Roof Covers. Remove and replace existing shingles, underlayment, and flashings Replace gutter / downspout system, venting system, and soffit. All work is to be completed in full compliance with applicable OSHA and NRCA regulations. Install self-adhered leak barrier (HPR Aqua-Shield) over entire substrate. Install specified asphalt shingle in color selected by owner with ridge and hip shingle / vents as per specification. Replace damaged wood fascia as needed. Replace existing gutter / downspout / soffit systems with new, custom 0.040 aluminum seamless rollformed gutter / downspout system 5 x 5 size with 1 depth to width ratio 4 x 4 minimum downspout size with 30 maximum length between downspouts supported every 16 o.c. per included SMACNA gutter calculations in color selected by owner. o It is the Contractors responsibility to field verify all measurements and quantities. Furnish and install approved stainless steel mesh gutter guards (EasyOn) in all gutters. Clean up and remove all roofing debris from the job site. Live load in / out daily; no trash storage on site. The site is to be clean and orderly at the completion of each workday. Address all pre-bid questions or requests for information (RFIs) pertaining to the project or bid documents to the Junior Project Manager, Roxana Rosario, via email at rrosario@provhousing.org or by phone at (401) 709-2216. Address all pre-bid questions or requests for information (RFIs) pertaining to the project or bid documents to the Junior Project Manager, Roxana Rosario via email at rrosario@provhousing.org or by phone at (401) 709-2216. All pre-bid requests for information (RFIs) must be submitted by Monday, November 28th, 2022, by 2:00 PM, prior to when bids are due. Bidders will be required to make positive efforts to use small and minority-owned business and to offer employment, training, and contracting opportunities in accordance with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. Individuals requiring interpreter services for the hearing-impaired should notify the Facilities Management Department by calling (401) 709-2201 seventy-two (72) hours prior to any event.y event.

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Residential Subdivision


Public - City


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December 12, 2022

December 15, 2023


23 Derry St, N Providence, RI

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