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Published September 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Seabrook, South Carolina. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

*As of 9/14/2022 no bids received. It is unsure at this time if this project will rebd.* A drainage conveyance divides the property addressed 21 Young Circle Seabrook, SC 29940. The intent of this project is to realign the ditch to the platted easement, which is coordinated with property lines. The work for this project includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Installation and layout of proper erosion and sediment control 2. Clearing and grubbing of non-specimen trees within easement and right of way areas 3. Excavation of new drainage conveyance 4. Construction surveying, as necessary 5. Saw cutting existing pipe 6. Filling the existing channel to 95% of standard proctor with select fill 7. Site stabilization, including installation of permanent erosion and sediment control 8. Participation in preconstruction, closeout, and any other meetings deemed necessary by Beaufort County Stormwater 9. The project shall be completed within 90 days from notice to proceed 10. Provide submittals and shop drawings for review for all materials and equipment prior to incorporation into the project. 11. Call PUPS for utility locates prior to commencing any work. 12. Coordinate with the Utility Companies for the relocation of any utilities during construction. 13. Restoration of all disturbed areas including laydown 14. All Contractors, Sub Contractors, Vendors or any person or agency working on Beaufort County Property, easements, projects or real property shall follow all Beaufort County policies and procedures relating to operations, safety, environmental impacts, code of conduct, personal protective gear or any other policy designed to protect Beaufort County Employees, Beaufort County Citizens, property, contractor personnel, Vendor or sub-contractor personnel. 15. Work must comply with all local, state, and federal guidelines A drainage conveyance divides the property addressed 21 Young Circle Seabrook, SC 29940. The intent of this project is to realign the ditch to the platted easement, which is coordinated with property lines. To do this, the existing 547' channel should be redirected to a proposed 739' channel. Following implementation of the new channel, the old channel is to be filled with select fill. Construction drawings for this work have been prepared and can be found in Exhibit A

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work




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21 Young Cir, Seabrook, SC

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