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Published August 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

As of August 3, 2023, the project has not been awarded. A timeline for award has not been confirmed. THIS IS THE OFFICIAL POSTING, W912HN22B4A12 - is the PIEE submission page. AMD 0002 - Provides Technical Specification Changes provides Contract Drawings AMD 0001- SECOND (2nd)SITE VISIT SCHEDULED FOR 31 AUGUST 2022 @ 9:00EDT. This is the final Solicitation. SITE VISIT HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR 10 AUGUST 2022 - PLEASE SEE DRAFT SOLICITATION Solicitation Notice Synopsis W912HN22B4012 Project Number: FA-60002-20 THIS IS A DRAFT SOLICITATION - THE FINAL SOLICITATION WILL BE POSTED ON OR ABOUT 19 AUGUST 2022 SITE VISIT HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR 10 AUGUST 2022 - PLEASE SEE DRAFT SOLICITATION Solicitation Notice Synopsis W912HN22B4012 Project Number: FA-60002-20 W912HN22B4012 - FA-60002-20 Repair Barracks H4445 Fort Bragg, NC The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Savannah District is issuing an Invitation for Bid (IFB) W912HN22B4012 for Project FA-60002-20 Repair Barracks H4445 Fort Bragg, NC Note: The subsequent solicitation will result in a C-Type Stand-alone contract. Type of Contract & NAICS: This Acquisition will be solicited using FAR Part 14, Sealed Bid Procedures for one (1) Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP) contract. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code is 236220 Commercial and Institutional Building Construction with a size standard of $39.5M. Type of Set-Aside: This acquisition is being offered as a 100% Total Small Business Set Aside Construction Magnitude: In accordance with DFARS 236.204, the magnitude of this construction project is anticipated to be between $10M-$25M. Anticipated Solicitation Due Date: The closing date is 4 September 2022. Period of Performance: The period of performance including all options is 540 Calendar Days after the issuance of the notice to proceed. Project scope: The Repair of Barracks H4445 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The work for this project includes repairing the electrical system, replacing HVAC system, repair plumbing systems and fixtures, repair architectural features and interior finishes, provide fire suppression system, replace of the mass notification and fire alarm system to meet current code requirements, repair interior space to comply with Army Standard code 7211UH, and the removal of mold. The Repair of Barracks H4445 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The work for this project includes repairing the electrical system, replacing HVAC system, repair plumbing systems and fixtures, repair architectural features and interior finishes, provide fire suppression system, replace of the mass notification and fire alarm system to meet current code requirements, repair interior space to comply with Army Standard code 7211UH, and the removal of mold. Solicitation Website: The official solicitation, when posted, will be available free of charge by electronic posting only and may be found on the System of Award Management System (SAM) website, https://sam.gov. Paper copies of the solicitation will not be issued. Therefore, telephone and Fax requests for this solicitation will not be honored. Project files are Portable Document Format (PDF) files and can be viewed, navigated, or printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Contractors must register at the SAM website at https://sam.gov to download the solicitation for this project. If/when issued, Amendments will be posted to the above-referenced website for electronic downloading. This will be the only method of distributing amendments before closing; therefore, the Offerors must check the website periodically for any amendments to the solicitation. Registrations: System for Award Management (SAM)-Offerors shall maintain an active registration in the SAM database at https://sam.gov to be eligible for a Government contract award. Suppose the Offeror is a Joint Venture (JV). In that case, the JV entity shall have valid SAM registration in the SAM database representing the JV as one business/firm/entity. If an Offeror is not actively and successfully registered in the SAM database at the time of award, the Government reserves the right to award to the next prospective Offeror. Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE): The only authorized transmission method for bids in response to the forthcoming solicitation is electronic via Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Solicitation Module. No Other Transmission Method (E-mail, Facsimile, U.S. Postal Mail, Hand Carried, etc.) Will Be Accepted. Offerors must have an active Proposal Manager role in PIEE at https://piee.eb.mil/. Point of Contacts: For this acquisition, the contracting officer, Mr. Greg Graham, whose e-mail address is gregory.m.graham@usace.army.mil., and the Contract Specialist, Tatjana Fisher, whose e-mail address is tatjana.m.fisher@usace.army.mil. Quality Control System (QCS): Any contract award resulting from this solicitation will require the mandatory use of the automated Quality Control System. Please see section 01 45 01 for additional information. Technical Matters: Submit technical inquiries and questions relating to this solicitation via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at (https://www.projnet.org) at least 10 calendar days prior to the date established in the IFB for receipt of bids. If a Bidder believes that the requirements in this Invitation for Bid contain an error, omission, or are otherwise unsound; immediately notify the Contract Specialist in writing with supporting rationale. The Government reserves the right to award this Information for Bid based on the initial bid, as received, without discussion. Bidder Inquiries: To submit and review inquiry items, prospective vendors will need to use the Bidder Inquiry Key presented below and follow the instructions listed below the key for access. A prospective vendor who submits a comment or question will receive an acknowledgement via email, followed by an answer after it has been processed by our technical team. All timely questions and approved answers will be made available through ProjNet. Approved answers to all timely questions will also be posted on the System for Award Management (SAM) (https://sam.gov) in the form of a report generated from ProjNet as soon as the comment/question entering period is over and answers are all finalized. Invitation for Bid No: W912HN22B4012 Project: Repair Barracks H 4445, Fort Bragg, North Carolina Bidder Inquiry Key: 5SVN5A-549J9T *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. *Site Visit photos were added for your review.

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