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Published February 20, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Asbestos abatement and renovation of a mixed-use development in Louisville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 99,832-square-foot, three-story above grade educational facility; theater / auditorium; and for asbestos abatement for a theater / auditorium.

Bid Detail: Life Science Building Electrical and Mechanical Systems Upgrades Bid Number: IB-009-25 Issue Date: 12/13/2024 Closing Date and Time: 2/20/2025 @ 12:00 PM EST Contact: Evan Riddell Contract Administrator University of Louisville Email: evan.riddell@louisville.edu The University of Louisville is seeking Architectural and Engineering Services (A/E) for design services to produce specifications and plans to modify and upgrade the existing Life Sciences Building located on Belknap Campus. The scope of the project includes the design of major electrical and mechanical renovations, as well as upgrades to existing finishes, roof replacement, and fire alarm upgrade. Design services to include schematic design, design development, construction documentation, and construction administration through completion of the project. Services are to begin upon award of contract to the successful firm. Description: o Constructed in 1968 o 3 Story building with basement and mechanical penthouse - 99,832 sqft o Primary use: Academic instruction and support services The University of Louisville will accept questions regarding this RFP only if they are submitted by email and emailed to Evan Riddell at evan.riddell@louisville.edu. Answers to the questions submitted will be issued as an addendum and posted to the website. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time. Project Start 01/01/2026 Project Final Completion 11/16/2026 Deadline for Written Questions 01/30/2025 by 12:00PM, EST. o Selective demolition o Upgrade mechanical and electrical systems for HVAC replacement o All Air Handling Units (AHU) will be replaced o All Constant Air Volume (CAV) systems will be replaced o All Exhaust Fans (EF) will be replaced o Replace lab steam boiler o Replace existing 100KW natural gas emergency generator with new upsized 125KW generator o LG&E to provide a dedicated natural gas meter o The awarded contractor must route the new natural gas pipe from the outlet of the new gas meter to the emergency generator on the roof o The awarded contractor must remove portions of the existing gas piping as identified on the floor plans o Replace two (2) medium voltage switchgears with one (1) combined medium voltage switchgear, outdoor pad mounted transformer o Replace the existing fire alarm system with new voice evacuation fire alarm system o Replace ceilings where necessary to install new duct work o Replace pneumatic controls with Direct Digital Controls (DDC) to connect to campus Building Automation System (BAS) o Exhaust fans shall be replaced and relocated to the exterior of the penthouse on the roof o Replace ceilings in corridors o Replace existing corridor light fixtures with new 2x2 LED UofL standard light fixtures o All existing chilled water, steam, condensate, and heating hot water piping in the building shall be replaced o Campus mains between the tunnels have selective demolition and replacement o The University is responsible for removing from the building personal belongings, sensitive equipment, and electronics. The furniture, casework and desks shall be protected during the construction phase by the awarded contractor. The awarded contractor should anticipate relocating furniture to access work areas as needed o Maintaining accessible campus use of the elevator will be required o Walls where equipment is removed, the wall is to be patched to match the existing/adjacent surface. The wall shall be painted corner to corner to match the color of the room. Add Alternates o Alternate #1: Green House Roof Top Unit RTU-401 HVAC System and Unit Heaters (including ductwork, piping, electrical, & controls) o Alternate #2: Psychology Department HVAC connected to AHU-5 o Alternate #3: Lighting in all areas (excludes corridor-to be included in base bid) Excludes Lab 212, stairs, lobby, restrooms renovated in 2024) o Alternate #4: Epoxy flooring in Mechanical Rooms (Basement and Penthouse) Minority - 12.2% Female - 3.5%




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Asbestos Abatement, Renovation

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February 20, 2025

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214 W Barbee Street Walk, Louisville, KY

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