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Published September 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Arnold, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) is requesting proposals from firms to remove existing air handlers, and furnish and install new air handlers for the Central Services Building (CSB) and the Johnson Building (JOHN) located on the Arnold Campus. To remove existing air handlers, and furnish and install new air handlers for the Central Services Building (CSB) and the Johnson Building (JOHN) located on the Arnold Campus. A bid security as defined above is required if the Contractor's proposal exceeds $100,000, and must be submitted with the proposal in an amount equal to five (5) percent of the total proposed amount. Bid security must be provided at the time the proposal is submitted. By submission of a bid security, the proposing Contractor is clearly pledging that they will enter into a contract with the College on the terms stated within this RFP, and in the Contractors proposal, and that if selected, the Contractor will furnish performance and payment bonds for 100% of the final contract amount, thus insuring the faithful performance of the contract and the payment of all obligations arising there under. Contractors must complete the Bid Bond Form and then attach to their proposal a copy of their bid security. Contractors are advised to use the attached form for submission of a security bond. The college reserves the sole right to determine whether bonds submitted on any form other than the attached form are acceptable to the college. If satisfactory bid security is not provided, the proposal shall be rejected. Anne Arundel Community College reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive any formalities, informalities or technicalities as it deems necessary, appropriate and in the College's best interest. Final award of contract is subject to the availability of funding for this project.




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101 College Pkwy, Arnold, MD

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