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Published October 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Exeter, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

The cost estimate for this project is $300,000-$400,000. Briefly and without force and effect upon the contract documents, the work of the Contract can be summarized as follows: THE PROJECT consists of the modernization of two elevators (this scope is per elevator) and the: Replacement of the elevator mechanical and electrical components, including the TAC32 Controller, and the EP25 Power Unit with a 55-gallon drum of biodegradable oil. Replacement of the car parts, including new pipe stands, 21" toe guard, Guide shoe mounting plates, 4" car roller guides (spring loaded), Car top railing, Two-Speed Fan, Car top exit switch, and the cab wiring. Replacement of the hoist way parts, including the HN boxes, steel tape (with mounting hardware, selector, and magnets), and TAC 32 Field Friendly Wiring Package Includes single traveling cable, hoist way wiring, interlock wiring, interlock connectors, and serial wiring. Replacement of door equipment, including the LD-16 Plus Drive (includes car top inspection station w/ alarm signal), Front Door Operator, and Micro Light. Replacement of car fixtures, including Main Car Station with applied panel, de-branded car station, vandal resistant floor buttons, cast braille plates for car features, standard key switch package (with fan, light, independent, stop, inspection/hoist way enable), Emergency light mounted in COP, 2004 and later fire service phase II features (including instructions signage), handicap signal, position indicator, ADA phone system integral with COP, speaker pattern for intercom system/ADA phone, No Smoking engraved on COP, Locked service cabinet, certificate window, default engravings, GFI outlet, #4 stainless steel finish, emergency light test button, and car riding lantern (#4 S/S). Replacement of Hall Fixtures, including hoist way access switch, fire services phase I key switch, fire service phase I engraved instructions, horizontal fusion hall position indicator (2" digital) #4 S/S, terminal hall stations with appendix O (polycarbonate insert flame with engraved verbiage) and fusion (#4 S/S (304)), and intermediate hall stations (surface mounted) with appendix O (polycarbonate insert flame with engraved verbiage) and fusion (#4 S/S (304)). PROPOSALS must be accompanied by a satisfactory BID GUARANTEE (if the bid is greater than $100,000) for 5% of the proposal (or other security as indicated). The Owner reserves the right to waive all formalities and reject any and all proposals or accept any proposal. Proposals are to be submitted on the form provided by the Owner. Bidders take note, Minority and Women's Business Enterprises are encouraged to submit proposals or sub-contract (to General Contractor) for this construction project. The selected Contractor will be required to furnish a 100% Contract Performance Bond and a 100% Contract Payment Bond for contracts greater than $100,000 (or other performance methods as described in "INFORMATION FOR CONTRACTOR" Document 00 0300) to cover the execution of the work which shall be in conformity with the Form of Bonds contained in the Specifications and for the Contract Amount. Direct all questions in writing to Right-Trak Design, Inc. Attn: Frank Concemi at email fconcemi@righttrakdesign.com phone (603) 384-2830. Questions due by 3 p.m. on 8/10/22. Addendum(s), if required, issued by 3 p.m. on 8/12/22 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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