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Published September 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

In general, the work consists of correcting temperature control issues throughout the building and eliminating water infiltration on the upper floor corner window units. Floors 3 through 7 will replace the single pane corner window system to stop water infiltration and excessive heat transfer. Floors 4 through 7 will install perimeter radiation heat located along the perimeter to offset drafts and heat transfer through window and envelope system. Additionally, the temperature control zones in the building will be increased from the sub-basement through Floor 7 by adding new VAV boxes with hot water control valves. Bid Guarantee in the amount of 10% of the Bid must accompany each bid submitted. The contact information for the A/E is as follows: David Grassl, Principal, Dynamic Consulting Engineers LLC, david.grassl@dynamicmke.com. This project is being let using a new single prime bidding and contracting process. DFD will publicly bid the applicable mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection (MEP) divisions of work first. Within 5 days of the MEP bid opening, DFD will identify a lowest, qualified, responsible, certified bidder in each applicable MEP division of work. These successful MEP bids must be included in all general prime contractor bids received. No later than 5 days after DFD identifies the successful MEP bids, DFD will publicly open general prime contractor bids. General prime contractor bids that do not include the successful MEP bids will be rejected. The state will enter into a single contract with the lowest, qualified, responsible, certified general prime contractor and this general prime contractor will enter into subcontracts with the successful MEP bidders. PN - 8557 Bid result HVAC - J. F. Ahern Co - 774,180.00 ELECTRICAL - WIL-Surge Electric, Inc - 94,821.00

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1921 E Hartford Ave, Milwaukee, WI

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