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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Ceres, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Questions with regard to submissions, processes or proposals can be directed to: Max Navarro, Assistant Engineer 2220 Magnolia Street, Ceres, CA 95307 (209) 538-5630 The City of Ceres is accepting Statement of Qualifications from qualified Consulting Engineers to provide "On Call" Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Architectural Services, and Engineering Administrative consulting and professional services. These services will be "on-call" engineering requests for various projects within the City of Ceres through on-call Master Agreements. The City may execute master agreements with two (2) or more firms in each category. It is the proposer's responsibility to clearly communicate which category and type of master agreement (federal or non-federal) you are interested in. All interested firms are required to submit proposals in accordance with the conditions and dates outlined in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The Master Agreement for Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Architectural Services, or Engineering Administrative Professional Services between the City of Ceres and the consultant will serve as the basic document, in conjunction with a Project specific Scope of Service issued by the City. The master agreements will be valid for approximately a three (3) year period beginning upon execution of agreement and ending June 30, 2025. Agreement may be terminated as outlined in the Master Agreement for Professional Consultant Engineering Services. Also note, the Master Agreement for Consultants chosen for Federal Funded Projects will have a cap of $400,000 maximum. Should a single project appear to have a cost higher than the allowable $400,000 or may put consultant max over the $400,000 threshold, the project will go out as a separate RFQ/RFP. The selected consultants will be required to obtain and maintain a City of Ceres business license. City Council Approval Anticipated Monday, August 22, 2022 1) Sample Master Agreements 2) Federal Provisions a. Ex. 10-R-Federal Supplemental Provisions (Information only) b. Ex. 10-I Notice to Proposers DBE Information (Federal Category only must be submitted) c. Ex. 10-K Consultant Annual Certification of Indirect Costs and Financial Management System (Federal Category; must be submitted) d. Ex. 10-O2 Consultant Contract DBE Commitment (Federal Category only must be submitted) e. Ex. 15-H DBE Information Only- Good Faith Effort (Must be submitted with SOQ if DBE goal is not met) f. Ex. 10-Q Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Must be submitted with all proposals) g. Ex. 10-H Consultant Cost Proposal (Must be submitted by all, separately sealed) The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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