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Renovation of a mixed-use development in Boyle, Mississippi. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Project Identification: 21036.01 - Cleveland School District ESSER 3. 1. Project Locations : a. Site A: Bell Academy 1) 1016 Taylor Road/Boyle, MS 38730 b. Site B: D.M. Smith Elementary School 1) 715 Dr. MLK Jr. Drive, Cleveland, MS 38732 c. Site C: H.M. Nailor Elementary School 1) 600 Cross Street, Cleveland, MS 38732 d. Site D: Parks Elementary School 1) 1301 Terrace Road, Cleveland, MS 38732 e. Site E: Pearman Elementary School 1) 306 Merritt Drive, Cleveland, MS 38732 f. Site F: Hayes Cooper Center 1) 500 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Cleveland, MS 38759 g. Site G: Cleveland Career Development & Technology Center and Walter C. Robinson Alternate School 1) 601 Third Street, Cleveland, MS 38732 h. Site H: Cleveland Central Middle 1) 601 Lucy Seaberry Drive, Cleveland, MS 38732 i. Site I : Cleveland Central High 1) 300 West Sunflower Road, Cleveland, MS 38732 Project Description: The project scope of work includes ten (10) schools under one contract. The work is funded by ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) Federal Funding. All schools are to receive renovations to student toilets consisting of but not limited to new plumbing fixtures, ceilings, and finishes. The work to Bell, Pearman, and D.M. Smith Elementary Schools includes new ceilings above existing classrooms and work to the Technology Center includes new classrooms built within an existing interior open space. The scope of work at Cleveland Central Middle and High Schools includes replacing and upgrading HVAC, replacing and upgrading electrical wiring as necessary, and new roofing systems as shown in the documents The owner reserves the right to postpone action and final decision for a period of up to ninety (90) days. PN - 110-092, 22132 $500 each calendar day of the delay after Scheduled completion date.




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Multiple Locations, Boyle, MS

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