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Site work for a water / sewer project in Morgantown, Indiana. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Helmsburg Regional Sewer District (HRSD) is requesting submission of a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for preliminary engineering to investigate the feasibility of a proposed wastewater infrastructure project located in and around the unincorporated community of Helmsburg, Jackson Township, Brown County, Indiana. This request for a Statement of Qualifications includes the following: 1. Requirements for the Request for Statement of Qualifications; 2. Description of Project/ Scope of Services; 3. Evaluation Criteria; Requirements for Statement of Qualifications: The SOQ shall be submitted in the following format: 1. A description of expertise, experience and resources directly relevant and available for this entire project; 2. A list of all similar projects completed in the last five years with community contact information; 3. A list of references for completed projects; 4. Current workload and evidence of readiness of project team to begin work on the project; 5. The name and expertise of the Project Manager in charge of Legals the project; 6. Brief Resumes of key professional staff that will be assigned to work on the project; 7. A list of teaming partners and/or sub-contractors and their areas of expertise; 8. A detailed description of the Scope of Services; 9. A detailed project Timeline with the start and completion date of each significant task; 10. The name, title, address, and phone number of the individual with the authority to negotiate and bind the proposer contractually, and who may be contacted during the period of proposal evaluation. Description of Project: The current Helmsburg wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was built in 1996 as a package plant designed for 20,000 gallons per day flow. There have been no major improvements or upgrades to the existing plant. The current collection system consists of 62 customers with individual grinder pump stations at each location, feeding into a low-pressure collection system to the existing WWTP. There are localized pump stations within the collection system. Each individual grinder pump station pumps directly to the WWTP. The HRSD is seeking a qualified engineering firm to provide preliminary engineering for the proposed expansion of treatment capacity to include contractual services to independent waste haulers and to the surrounding Brown County Regional Sewer District (BCRSD), to address watershed pollution caused by underperforming septic systems. The BCRSD is evaluating the potential flow and number of EDU's to be connected to their proposed regional collection system; the current estimate is 700-800 EDUs could be treated by the HRSD WWTP. The engineering firms selected to perform the studies will need to coordinate in order to meet project timeline goals. Scope of Work: 1. Prepare and deliver a preliminary engineering planning report (PER) per USDA Rural Development WEP regulations. Assess the current facility's capacity and condition, and recommend one (1) of three (3) potential alternatives as being most feasible for meeting existing customer level of service goals and for increasing capacity to accommodate potential regional contract services; 2. The PER should also include, based on the recommended alternative, a total life cycle cost including O&M; cost of service; and preliminary rate derivation; 3. Prepare and deliver an Environmental Report per USDA regulation; 4. Coordinate with BCRSD project engineer as needed/requested; 5. Assist in technical aspects of development of treatment contract(s); 6. Provide aerial photographs as needed; 7. Attend project and board meetings as requested; provide a monthly progress report; present findings at a public meeting; provide hard and electronic copies of report and appendices Evaluation Criteria: RFP/Qualifications will be evaluated on a 200 point scale based on the following criteria: 1. Firm's history and resource capabilities to perform required services; (30 pts.) 2. Related experiences with wastewater utility planning in similar communities; (20 pts.) 3. Relative experience of sub-consultants and evaluation of assigned personnel; (20 pts.) 4. Evaluation of assigned personnel, years of professional service, and design experience in community waste water collection and treatment systems; (30 pts.) 5. Reference Check; (10 pts.) 6. Familiarity of the Project Team with Brown County area, including topography, soil characteristics, and population considerations; (20 pts.) 7. Analysis of narrative statement; (20 pts.) 8. Relative experience with multiple governing and regulatory entities; (20 pts.) 9. Thoroughness of Project Timeline; and (20 pts.) 10. Methods in place to ensure Quality of Work. (10 pts.) The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.


Water / Sewer


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August 3, 2023


To Be Determined, Morgantown, IN

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