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Published September 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for an elderly care / assisted living facility in Sandstone, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a elderly care / assisted living facility.

Firms must be licensed with the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. A copy of this license (or the license application) must accompany each bid. Licensing process can take several weeks. If you are not currently licensed with the MLBO, please submit a copy of your license application along with your proposal. Contact Elizabeth Thornbloom at (320)532-8274 or via email at EThornbloom@grcasinos.com with questions regarding licensing and for the license application. Permit and Contractor Requirements: Permits: Contractors are responsible to attain all necessary permits for all work, including Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe (MLBO) Permits. Bonding Requirements: In accordance with 2016 MLB Project Specification Book. MLBSA Section 17 Procurement Statue Ordinance 03-06 states the following: Section 17. Bonding A. In construction contracts that are federally funded or deemed commercial, bonding is required. These types of contracts shall demand a performance bond not less than twenty (20%) percent of the total contract price, but not to exceed $500,000.00. A performance bond requirement is to ensure that, if a contractor defaults, the Band may request that the surety pay the expense incurred to complete the construction contract. B. In addition, all construction contracts identified as federally funded or commercial shall be covered by a payment bond equal to one payment installment or cover subcontractors/suppliers as determined by the Contracting Officer or his agents. The payment bond must contain language stating that if the contractor fails to make a payment to its subcontractors/suppliers, the surety will make the necessary payment. **The Band reserves the right to reject any bid that it is unable to collect at the Onamia post office by the bid deadline date and time, provided that the Band has made diligent and reasonable efforts to collect the bid. The Band reserves this right even in the event that the bid has been postmarked before the deadline. 1. See attached Building Site Plan for fencing layout. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for on-site utility identification, prior to installation. 3. Contractor shall be responsible for permitting through MLB. 4. Install 359ft of new 4ft high galvanized chain link fence, include an additional 25ft of fencing for a total of 384ft. Only actual ft of installed fence will be billed. 5. Install three (3) gates per site plan, gates are to be 4ft wide. 6. Install one (1) sliding cantilevered gate, gate to be 12ft wide. 7. Remove and dispose of 309ft of existing chain link fence. 8. Project is considered commercial and Commercial Davis-Bacon wage rates shall apply. Certified Payroll will be collected. 9. Performance and payment bonds are required. 10.Approved TERO plan required 11.Contractor shall include 0.5% TERO tax fee in base bid if exceeds $25,000. Submission of receipt for paid TERO fee is required with application for final payment.


Elderly Care / Assisted Living


Public - Federal

Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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September 7, 2022

October 7, 2022


63925 Ojibwe Rd, Sandstone, MN

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