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Published September 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Burlington, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

**this project has been awarded to Nordic Temperature Control. ** Furnace Replacement Scope: Provide the necessary labor equipment and material to install the following scope of work: Disconnect necessary low and high voltage, venting, condensate and ducting from failed furnace, remove and properly dispose of unit. Provide and install new 95% efficient single state natural gas furnace on existing base can Provide and install new filter box and return air transition required to tie in new furnace Provide and install all necessary venting, condensate lines and electrical wiring Perform proper start and testing of new gas furnace Ductless Underground line set replacement Scope: Open trench to expose existing line sets and remove, taking caution to leaving line voltage and communication cabling Push new lines sets through new corrugated 4" tubing with proper caps and each end (caps to be above grade) both ends to be sealed with blow in foam and caps caulked. Bury new line sets and infill with remaining dirt. Reconnect line sets to existing outdoor units and inside stainless shroud at building Pressure test line sets to ensure no leaks are present Start and test existing systems to ensure proper operation Please ensure all costs are included for a finished, delivered product. Delivery must be FOB Destination, Prepaid and Allowed (freight included in your prices) to the above address. Current Prevailing wage labor rates apply. WA State Sales Tax shall be shown as a separate line item. All prices will be firm-fixed and valid for 60 days from the quote Due Date. You may bid on both or one of the projects. Site location for the work to be performed is: 600 County Shop Lane, Burlington, WA 98233


Transportation Terminals


Public - County


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August 9, 2022

September 9, 2022


600 County Shop Ln, Burlington, WA

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