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Published September 6, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Fargo, North Dakota. Working plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

**As of September 06, 2022, bids received were rejected as they were over the budget. Project will rebid but no definite date yet.** Multiple Prime bids for General, Mechanical, and Electrical work will be accepted. Single prime bids will be accepted but will not be awarded unless that bid is lower than the combined total of the lowest responsible prime bids. Each bidder shall fully inform themselves prior to bidding as to existing conditions and limitations under which the Work is to be performed and include in the bid a sum to cover the cost of items necessary to perform the Work as set forth in the Contract Documents. No allowance will be made to any Contractor because of the lack of such examination or knowledge. The submission of a bid will be considered as conclusive evidence that the Contractor(s) has made such examination. Bids shall comply with North Dakota Century Code Chapter 48-01.2 as amended. Each Bid submitted shall consist of two separate sealed envelopes one clearly marked "Bid Proposal" and the other clearly marked "Bid Bond" on the outside. The two envelopes for each project shall be attached to each other. In addition, the Bid Proposal envelope shall be marked with the contractor's name and address, the contractor's prime - General, Mechanical, and Electrical, or Combined Bid), NDSU - Tharaldson Park Indoor Hitting Facility, and Thursday, August 11th, 2022. On the envelope containing the Bid Proposal form, bidder shall also acknowledge receipt of all addenda on the outside of the envelope. In the envelope marked Bid Bond include a Bidder's Security Bond in a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the full amount of the Bid to the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education, executed by a surety company authorized to do business in North Dakota; the bond shall be for the highest amount of the Bidder's total bid combination including add alternates. A bidder's bond must be executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety, conditioned that if the principals bid is accepted and the contract awarded to the principal, the principal, within ten days after notice of the award, shall execute a contract, or accept and return the award letter, in accordance with the terms of the bid, the bid bond, and any condition of the governing body. If a successful bidder does not execute a contract within the time allowed, the bidder's bond shall be forfeited to the governing body and the project awarded to the next lowest responsible bidder. Certified checks, money orders, personal checks, cash, or forms other than a bid bond will not be accepted. Each Bidder shall hold a current and valid North Dakota Contractor's License of the proper class for the full amount of the bid, issued by the Secretary of State as required by North Dakota Law Sections 43-07-07 and 43-07-12, and shall enclose a copy of the license or certificate of renewal of the license in the same envelope as the Bidder's Security Bond. A Contractor shall be the holder of a license at least ten days prior to the date set for receiving Bids to be a qualified Bidder. Each Bidder shall complete the Bidder Questionnaire and shall enclose the Questionnaire in the same envelope as the Bidder's Security Bond. If the Questionnaire is not submitted in the Bid Bond envelope it will be required before a contract will be awarded. In the envelope marked Bid Proposal each prime contractor shall submit 2 copies of the Bid form supplied with the Bidding Documents or through addenda. Refer to the Information to Bidders for specific bid submittal instructions. Bids submitted that do not follow the bidding requirements will be returned unopened. All bids must be upon the basis of cash payment for the work and materials and must be sealed. All construction items covered in the contract must be completed by the defined schedule. No base bids or alternate bids may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. North Dakota State University reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informalities therein. The successful bidder is required at the time the Contract is executed to provide a copy of: Sales Tax Certificate, Workers' Compensation Certificate, Certificate of Insurance and Policies/Endorsements to include North Dakota Stop Gap Worker's Compensation, Builders Risk/Installation Floater coverage, Additional Insured Statement, Auto Insurance with Waiver of Subrogation, Company Safety Manual, and North Dakota University System Performance - Payment Bond.

Final Planning

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - State/Provincial


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August 18, 2022

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1700 17th Ave N, Fargo, ND

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